數位信號處理導論 (A Simple Approach to Digital Signal Processing)
- 出版商: 全華圖書
- 出版日期: 1999-09-27
- 定價: $280
- 售價: 9.0 折 $252
- 語言: 繁體中文
- ISBN: 9572125990
- ISBN-13: 9789572125991
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■ 內容簡介 本書從基本原理到實際硬體做全盤性廣泛地介紹,並以圖示配合說明,力求簡單易懂,沒有繁雜的數學公式及推導,且詳列推薦相關的資料及參考文獻;適用於五專電子科四、五年級之學生。本書除了能提供基礎的知識外,更能幫助讀者深入探討DSP!是一本引導讀者擴展專業領域知識的好書! ■ 目錄 Chapter 1 DSP的發展 1-1 DSP的演算法則 (Algorithms For DSP) 1-2 1-2 DSP的電腦架構(Computer Architectures For DSP)1-4 1-3 DSP的積體電路(Integrated Circuits For DSP)1-8 Chapter 2 為何要數位化? 2-1 可程式性行為(Programmability)2-2 2-2 穩定度(Stability)2-3 2-3 可重複性(repeatability)2-3 2-4 應適應性運算法則之簡易實現(Easier Im pleme daptive Algorithms) 2-4 2-5 錯?-5 2-6 特殊功能(Special Functions)2-5 2-7 資料傳輸及儲存(Data Transmission And Storage) 2-6 2-8 資料壓縮(Data compression)2-9 2-9 實際的DSP系統(Practical DSP Systems)2-9 2-10 控制系統中的DSP(DSP In Control Stystem)2-11 2-11 性能與日俱增的類比VLSI(The Increasing Capabilities of Analog VLSI)2-12 2-12 理想運算放大器發展(Progress Toward the Ideal OP AMP)2-13 2-13 其它電路功能(other corcuit Functions)2-15 2-14 總結2-15 Chapter 3 類比轉換至數位 3-1 向農取樣定理(Shannon's Sampling Theorem)3-6 3-2 取樣的數學表示(Mathematical Representation Of Sampling)3-13 3-3 發展數位輸入信號 (Developing The Digital Input Signal)3-17 3-4 實際的ADCS(Real-World ADCS)3-23 3-4-1 連續近似ADC(Successive Approximation ADC) 3-24 3-4-2 雙斜率ADC(Dual Slope ADC)3-26 3-4-3 快閃ADC(Flash ADC)3-27 3-4-4 和差ADC(Sigma Delta ADC)3-28 3-5 將數位輸出信號重建回類比信號 (Reconstructing The Analog Signal From The Digital Output)3-34 3-6 乘積性DAC(Mulitiplying DAC)3-34 3-7 多重速率及字元流DACs(Multirate And Bit Stream DACS)3-36 3-8 商業用途的ADC/DAC ICS 3-43 3-9 DSP系統架構(DSP System Architecture)3-46 Chapter 4 濾波器 4-1 什麼是濾波器?4-1 4-2 濾波器能的準則(Filter Performance Criteria)4-6 4-3 濾波器的型式(Filter Types)4-13 4-3-1 巴特渥斯濾波器(Butterworth Filter)4-13 4-3-2 柴比雪夫濾波器(Chevyshev Filter)4-14 4-3-3 橢圓濾波器(Elliptic Filter)4-16 4-3-4 貝索濾波器(Bessel Filter)4-16 4-4 數位濾波器(Digital Filters)4-18 4-4-1 有限脈衝響應濾波器(Finite Impulse Response Filters) 19 4-4-2 無限脈衝響應(Infinite Impulse Response Filters) 4-29 4-5 數位濾波器的實現(Realization of digital filters) 4-33 4-6 梳狀濾波器(Comb Filters)4-40 4-7 FIR和IIR濾波器的比較(Comparsion of FIR and IIR filters)4-45 4-8 在濾波器設計中的雜訊(Noise In Filter Designs)4-46 4-8-1 信號的量化(Signal Quantization)4-46 4-8-2 係數的量化(Coefficient Quantization)4-47 4-8-3 截頂雜訊(Truncation Noise)4-48 4-8-4 內部溢位(Internal Overflow)4-50 4-8-5 動態範圍限制(Dyhamic Range Constraints)4-51 4-9 濾波器設計套裝軟體(Filter Design Packages)4-51 4-10 適應性濾波器(Adaptive Filters)4-53 Chapter 5 信號至頻域之轉換 5-1 相量模型(The Phasor Model)5-3 5-2 建構正弦波(Modeling Sinusoids)5-6 5-3 傅立葉級數(Fourier Series)5-7 5-4 離散傅立葉級數(Discrete Fourier Series)5-8 5-5 非週期性信號-傅立葉轉換(Nonperiodic Signals-The Fourier Transform)5-9 5-6 離散傅立葉轉換(The Discrete Fourier Transform(DFT)) 5-7 實際上的考量 (Practical Considerations)5-11 5-8 快速傅立葉轉換(Fast Fourier Transform(FFT)) 5-14 5-9 哥茲柔演算法(The Goertzel Algorithm)5-23 5-10 離散餘弦轉換(Discrete Cosine Transform(DCT)) 5-23 Chapter 6 波形編碼-增加通道頻寬 6-1 類比波形編碼(Analog Waveform Coding)6-2 6-2 數位波形編碼-脈碼調變(PCM)6-4 6-2-1 差異調變(Delta Modulation(DM))6-4 6-2-2 差分PCM(DPCM)(Differential PCM)(DPCM) 6-10 6-2-3 適應性DPCM(ADPCM)(Adaptive DPCM) (ADPCM) 6-11 6-2-4 適應性差異調變(ADM)(Adaptive Delta Modulation) M)6-17 6-2-5 連續可變斜率差異調變(CVSD)(Continuously Variable ope Delta Modulation)(CVSD)6-17 6-3 適應性預測編碼(APC)(Adaptive Predictive Coding) 19 6-4 次頻帶編碼(SBC)(Subband Coding)(SBC)6-20 6-5 聲碼器(Vocoders)6-21 6-5-1 加窗(Windowing)6-23 6-5-2 通道聲碼器(Channal Vocoder)6-28 6-5-3 同態聲碼器(Homomorphic Vocoder)6-29 6-5-4 線性預測編碼(LPC)(Linear Predictive Coding)(LPC) 6-32 6-5-5 殘餘受激線性預測(RELP)聲碼器(Residual Excited Linear Prediction Vocoder)6-34 6-5-6 多脈波受激預測編碼(MLPC) (Multipulse Excited Linear Predictive Coding)6-35 6-5-7 代碼受激線性預測(CELP)聲碼器 (Code Excited Linear Prediction(CELP) Vocoders)6-36 6-5-8 向量和受激線性預測(VSELP) (Vector Sam Excited Linear Prediction)6-38 6-6 影像編碼(Image Coding)6-39 6-6-1 H.261視頻壓縮(H.261 Video Compression)6-43 6-6-2 JPEG6-46 6-6-3 MPEG6-48 6-6-4 未來影像編碼技術(Future image-coding techniques) 6-48 Chapter 7 實際DSP硬體設計 7-1 DSP硬體的選擇(Hardware Altematives For DSP) 7-1 7-2 泛用型DSP裝置的運用(Using a General-Purpose DSP Device)7-4 7-3 定點及浮點DSP裝置(Fixed-And Floating-Point DSP Device)7-7 7-4 定點算術(Fixed-Point Arith Metic)7-8 7-5 定點DSP之量化效應及比例縮放(Quantization Effects And Scaling In Fixed-Point DSPs)7-16 7-6 浮點算術(Floating-Point Arithmetic)7-19 7-7 DSP系統速度上的考量(DSP System Speed Considerations)7-21 7-8 存取記憶體資源(Accessing Memory Resources)7-23 7-9 週邊裝置之整合(Integration of Peripheral Devices) 7-29 Chapter 8 DSP系統的設計流程 8-1 定義系統的需求(Define System Requirements)8-1 8-2 選擇DSP的裝置(Selecting a DSP Device)8-3 8-3 應用設計(Applocation Design)8-5 8-4 軟體的設計(Software Design)8-5 8-5 產生組合碼的來源-c的吸引力8-6 8-6 測試程式碼(Testing the Code)8-8 8-7 硬體的設計(Hardware Design)8-9 8-8 系統的整合(System Integration)8-10 |