Statistics with Maple (Paperback)

John A. Rafter, Martha L. L. Abell, James P. Braselton





Statistics with Maple is a practical guide for engineers, statisticians, business professionals and others who use the Maple software package and who wish to use it to produce numerical summaries, make graphical displays, and perform statistical inference. The book and software package is unique in its focus on using Maple for statistical methodology.

This tutorial and reference manual assumes that readers have a basic knowledge of statistics and a familiarity with Maple.


Table of Contents

Working With Maple; Data and Data File Manipulation; Univariate Methods for Describing Data; Multivariate Methods for Describing Data; Tabular and Graphical Methods for Presenting Data; Data Smoothing and Time Series An Introduction; Probability and Probability Distributions; Random Number Generation and Simulation; One and Two Sample Inferential Procedures; Analysis of Variance and Multiple Comparisons of Means; Diagnostic Procedures and Transformations; Regression and Correlation; Nonparametric Methods



- 使用Maple
- 數據和數據文件操作
- 描述數據的單變量方法
- 描述數據的多變量方法
- 用於呈現數據的表格和圖形方法
- 數據平滑和時間序列介紹
- 概率和概率分佈
- 隨機數生成和模擬
- 單樣本和雙樣本推論程序
- 方差分析和多重均值比較
- 診斷程序和轉換
- 迴歸和相關
- 非參數方法