Microservices : Flexible Software Architecture (Paperback)

Eberhard Wolff




The Most Complete, Practical, and Actionable Guide to Microservices


Going beyond mere theory and marketing hype, Eberhard Wolff presents all the knowledge you need to capture the full benefits of this emerging paradigm. He illuminates microservice concepts, architectures, and scenarios from a technology-neutral standpoint, and demonstrates how to implement them with today’s leading technologies such as Docker, Java, Spring Boot, the Netflix stack, and Spring Cloud.


The author fully explains the benefits and tradeoffs associated with microservices, and guides you through the entire project lifecycle: development, testing, deployment, operations, and more. You’ll find best practices for architecting microservice-based systems, individual microservices, and nanoservices, each illuminated with pragmatic examples. The author supplements opinions based on his experience with concise essays from other experts, enriching your understanding and illuminating areas where experts disagree. Readers are challenged to

experiment on their own the concepts explained in the book to gain hands-on experience.


  • Discover what microservices are, and how they differ from other forms of
  • modularization
  • Modernize legacy applications and efficiently build new systems
  • Drive more value from continuous delivery with microservices
  • Learn how microservices differ from SOA
  • Optimize the microservices project lifecycle
  • Plan, visualize, manage, and evolve architecture
  • Integrate and communicate among microservices
  • Apply advanced architectural techniques, including CQRS and Event Sourcing
  • Maximize resilience and stability
  • Operate and monitor microservices in production
  • Build a full implementation with Docker, Java, Spring Boot, the Netflix stack, and Spring Cloud
  • Explore nanoservices with Amazon Lambda, OSGi, Java EE, Vert.x, Erlang, and Seneca
  • Understand microservices’ impact on teams, technical leaders, product owners, and stakeholders


Managers will discover better ways to support microservices, and learn how adopting the method affects the entire organization. Developers will master the technical skills and concepts they need to be effective. Architects will gain a deep understanding of key issues in creating or migrating toward microservices, and exactly what it will take to transform their plans into reality. 



超越理論和行銷炒作,Eberhard Wolff 提供了您需要掌握這一新興範式的所有知識。他從技術中立的角度闡明了微服務的概念、架構和場景,並展示了如何使用當今領先的技術(如Docker、Java、Spring Boot、Netflix堆疊和Spring Cloud)來實現它們。


- 發現什麼是微服務,以及它們與其他形式的模塊化的區別
- 現代化遺留應用程序,並高效地構建新系統
- 通過微服務從持續交付中獲得更多價值
- 學習微服務與SOA的區別
- 優化微服務項目的生命周期
- 計劃、可視化、管理和演進架構
- 在微服務之間進行集成和通信
- 應用高級架構技術,包括CQRS和事件溯源
- 最大化韌性和穩定性
- 在生產環境中操作和監控微服務
- 使用Docker、Java、Spring Boot、Netflix堆疊和Spring Cloud進行完整實現
- 使用Amazon Lambda、OSGi、Java EE、Vert.x、Erlang和Seneca探索納米服務
- 了解微服務對團隊、技術領導者、產品擁有者和利益相關者的影響
