Delphi for .NET Developer's Guide

Xavier Pacheco

  • 出版商: SAMS
  • 出版日期: 2004-05-01
  • 售價: $2,740
  • 貴賓價: 9.5$2,603
  • 語言: 英文
  • 頁數: 888
  • 裝訂: Paperback
  • ISBN: 0672324431
  • ISBN-13: 9780672324437
  • 相關分類: .NET程式語言
  • 海外代購書籍(需單獨結帳)



Master Microsoft's .NET Framework using Delphi.

  • Written by Delphi and .NET experts Xavier Pacheco and Steve Teixeira.
  • In-depth coverage of the .NET Framework from a Delphi developer perspective.
  • Master ADO.NET and ASP.NET using Delphi.
  • Builds on Delphi's strong object-oriented capabilities to illustrate sound application architectures.
Borland Delphi will embrace and generate programs for Microsoft's .NET Framework. Until now, this was a technology not available to Delphi developers using Borland's tools. This book will bridge that gap by providing the expert knowledge of both Delphi and. NET with the same, practicable and real-world solutions approach used in previous Delphi Developer's Guides. Delphi for .NET Developer's Guide is a new edition of the #1 Delphi book by authors Xavier Pacheco and Steve Teixeira. Steve and Xavier are of the winners of the Delphi Informant Reader's Choice Award for their three previous editions of the book. This newest edition is completely updated for Delphi using the .NET Framework and includes in-depth coverage on Borland's new CLX architecture, DBExpress Applications, SOAP, CORBA, WebSnap and BizSnap features. It continues as a complete reference and authoritative guide to the newest version of Delphi. Additional topics covered include: The .NET Framework; Programs, Units, and Namespaces;.NET Security Custom WinForms Controls; Memory Management and Garbage Collection; COM and COM+ Interoperability; ADO.NET, ASP.NET and Web Services

Xavier Pacheco is President and CEO for Xapware Technologies, Inc. An internationally acclaimed Borland Certified Delphi consultant and trainer, Xavier is a frequent conference speaker and best-selling author of Delphi 5 Developers Guide and writer for the Delphi Informant and Delphi magazines. Xavier is also a Borland TeamB member, a select group of volunteers who provide online support for Inprise/Borland products. Steve Teixeira is the Director of Core Technology at Zone Labs, a creator of Internet security solutions. As a research and development software engineer at Borland, Steve was instrumental in the development of Delphi and C++Builder

Table of Contents:


1. Introduction to .NET.

The .NET Initiative. Distributed Development through Web Services.

2. Overview of the .NET Framework.

From Development to Execution. The Common Language Runtime (CLR). The Common Type System (CTS). The Common Language Specification (CLS). .NET Framework Class Library (FCL).

3. Introduction to Delphi for .NET and the New IDE.

Delphi for .NETa Bigger Picture. Introduction to the Integrated Development Environment (IDE).

4. Programs, Units, and Namespaces.

Managed Module Structures. Namespaces.

5. The Delphi Language.

Its All about .NET. Comments. Procedures and Functions. Variables. Constants. Operators. Delphi Language Types. User-Defined Types. Typecasting and Type Conversion. String Resources. Testing Conditions. Loops. Procedures and Functions. Scope. Units and Namespaces. Packages and Assemblies. Object-Oriented Programming. Using Delphi Objects. Structured Exception Handling.

6. AssembliesLibraries and Packages.

Core Assemblies. Viewing Assembly Contents and Dependencies. Ring the GAC. Building Assemblies. Using Assemblies in Delphi. Using Delphi Assemblies in C#. Installing Packages into the Delphi IDE. Strong Naming Assemblies. Dynamically Loading Assemblies.

7. GDI+ ProgrammingDrawing in .NET.

Fundamental Concepts. Drawing Lines. Drawing Curves. Drawing Shapes. GraphicsPaths and Regions. Working with Images. Revisiting Coordinate Systems. Animation Example.

8. MonoA Cross Platform .NET Project.

Mono Features. History of Mono. Why Mono? Monos Roadmap. Installation/Setup. Creating Your First Mono Program. Running Delphi Generated Assemblies under Mono (on Linux). Cross Platform ASP.NET. ADO.NET with Mono. Mono and Apache. Mono and System.Windows.Forms.

9. Memory Management and Garbage Collection.

How Garbage Collection Works. Constructors. Finalization. The Dispose PatternIDisposable. Performance Issues Regarding Finalization.

10. Collections.

System.Collections Interfaces. System.Collections Classes. Creating a Strongly-Typed Collection. Creating a Strongly-Typed Dictionary.

11. Working with the String and StringBuilder Classes.

The System.String Type. The StringBuilder Class. String Formatting. Format Specifiers.

12. File and Streaming Operations.

System.IO Namespace Classes. Working with the Directory System. Working with Files. Streams. Asynchronous Stream Access. Monitoring Directory Activity. Serialization.

13. Developing Custom WinForms Controls.

Component Building Basics. Sample Components. User Painting: The PlayingCard Control.

14. Threading in Delphi for .NET.

Processes. Threading. Threading .NET Style. AppDomain. The System.Threading Namespace. Writing Thread-safe Code .NET Style. User Interface Issues. Threading Exceptions. Garbage Collection and Threading.

15. Reflection API.

Reflecting an Assembly. Reflecting a Module. Reflecting Types. Runtime Invocation of a Types Members (Late Binding). Emitting MSIL Through Reflection.

16. InteroperabilityCOM Interop and the Platform Invocation Service.

Why Have Interoperability? Common Interoperability Issues. Using COM Objects in .NET Code. Using .NET Objects in COM Code. Using Win32 DLL Exports in .NET Code. Using .NET Routines in Win32 Code.

17. Overview of ADO.NET.

Design Principles. ADO.NET Objects. .NET Data Providers.

18. Using the Connection Object.

Connection Functionality. Setting Up the ConnectionString Property. Opening and Closing Connections. Connection Events. Connection Pooling.

19. Using Command and DataReader Objects.

Executing Commands. Non-Query Commands. Retrieving Single Values. Executing Data Definition Language (DDL) Commands. Specifying Parameters Using IDbParameter. Executing Stored Procedures. Deriving Parameters. Querying for Resultsets Using DataReaders. Querying a Resultset. Querying Multiple Resultsets Using DataReaders. Using DataReader to Retrieve BLOB Data. Using DataReader to Retrieve Schema Information.

20. DataAdapters and DataSets.

DataAdapters. Working with DataSets. Working with DataTables.

21. Working with WinFormsDataViews and Data Binding.

Displaying Data Using DataView and DataViewManager. Data Binding.

22. Saving Data to the Data Source.

Updating the Data Source Using SQLCommandBuilder. Updating the Data Source Using Custom Updating Logic.

23. Working with Transactions and Strongly-Typed DataSets.

Transaction Processing. Strongly-Typed DataSets.

 24. The Borland Data Provider.

Architecture Overview. Borland Data Provider Classes. Designers within the IDE.

25. ASP.NET Fundamentals.

Web TechnologiesHow They Work. ASP.NETHow It Works. ASP.NET Classes.

26. Building ASP.NET Web Pages.

Building Web Pages Using ASP.NET Controls. Pre-populating List Controls. Performing Web Form Validation. Web Form Formatting. Navigating between Web Forms. Tips and Techniques.

27. Building Database Driven ASP.NET Applications.

Data Binding. Data Bound List Controls. Data Bound Iterative Controls. Working with the DataGrid. Database-Driven Download Request Form and Administrator.

28. Building Web Services.

Terms Related to Web Services. Web Service Construction. Consuming Web Services. Securing Web Services.

29. .NET Remoting and Delphi.

Remoting Technologies Available Today. Distributed Architectures. Benefits of Multitier Application Development. .NET Remoting Basics. Your First .NET Remoting Application.

30. .NET Remoting in Action.

Template Project. Tracing Messages. Analyzing the SOAP Packets. Client Activation. Lifetime Management. Failing to Renew the Lease. Configuration Files. Switching from HTTP to TCP Communication. Switching from SOAP to Binary Remoting. Differences Between SOAP and Binary Encoding.

31. Securing ASP.NET Applications.

ASP.NET Security Methods. Authentication. Authorization. Signing Off.

32. ASP.NET Deployment and Configuration.

Deploying ASP.NET Applications. Configuration Settings. Configuration Tips. Adding/Retrieving Custom Configuration Settings.

33. Caching and Managing State in ASP.NET Applications.

Caching ASP.NET Applications. State Management in ASP.NET Applications.

34. Developing Custom ASP.NET Server Controls.

User Controls. Web Controls.



使用Delphi掌握Microsoft的.NET Framework。

  • 由Delphi和.NET專家Xavier Pacheco和Steve Teixeira撰寫。

  • 從Delphi開發者的角度深入探討.NET Framework。

  • 使用Delphi掌握ADO.NET和ASP.NET。

  • 利用Delphi強大的面向對象能力來展示良好的應用架構。

Borland Delphi將支持並生成適用於Microsoft的.NET Framework的程序。迄今為止,這是Delphi開發者使用Borland工具無法使用的技術。本書將通過以前的Delphi開發者指南中使用的專業知識,機動和實際的解決方案方法來彌合這一差距。 Delphi for .NET Developer's Guide是作者Xavier Pacheco和Steve Teixeira的第一本Delphi書的新版本。 Steve和Xavier是Delphi Informant Reader's Choice Award的三本先前版本的贏家。這本最新版本完全更新了使用.NET Framework的Delphi,並深入介紹了Borland的新CLX架構,DBExpress應用程序,SOAP,CORBA,WebSnap和BizSnap功能。它繼續作為對最新版本Delphi的完整參考和權威指南。其他涵蓋的主題包括:.NET Framework;程序、單元和命名空間;.NET安全性;自定義WinForms控件;內存管理和垃圾回收;COM和COM+互操作性;ADO.NET、ASP.NET和Web服務

Xavier Pacheco是Xapware Technologies, Inc.的總裁兼首席執行官。作為國際知名的Borland認證Delphi顧問和培訓師,Xavier經常在會議上發表演講,並是Delphi 5 Developers Guide的暢銷作者,也是Delphi Informant和Delphi雜誌的撰稿人。 Xavier還是Borland TeamB成員,這是一個為Inprise/Borland產品提供在線支持的選定群體。 Steve Teixeira是Zone Labs的核心技術總監,該公司是一家互聯網安全解決方案提供商。作為Borland的研發軟件工程師,Steve在Delphi和C++Builder的開發中起到了重要作用。



1. .NET簡介。


2. .NET Framework概述。

從開發到執行。公共語言運行時(CLR)。公共類型系統(CTS)。公共語言規範(CLS)。.NET Framework類庫(FCL)。

3. Delphi for .NET和新的IDE簡介。

Delphi for .NET的大局觀。集成開發環境(IDE)簡介。

4. 程序、單元和命名空間。


5. Delphi語言。


6. 組件庫和包。

核心組件。查看組件內容和依賴關係。GAC。構建組件。在Delphi中使用組件。在C#中使用Delphi組件。將包安裝到Delphi I