Sams Teach Yourself Google AdWords in 10 Minutes (Paperback)

Bud E. Smith




Sams Teach Yourself Google AdWords in 10 Minutes gives you straightforward, practical answers when you need fast results. By working through its 10-minute lessons, you’ll learn everything you need to use Google AdWords to find more customers, sell more of your products and services, and earn higher profits at lower cost!


Tips point out shortcuts and solutions


Cautions help you avoid common pitfalls


Notes provide additional information


Plain English definitions explain new terms


10 minutes is all you need to learn how to…

  • Identify goals, target markets, and demographics
  • Create your AdWords account and publish your first test ads
  • Write great ads and continually improve your copy
  • Schedule ads for the right times of day, days of the week, holidays, and seasons
  • Master AdWords’ tools for managing accounts, bids, keywords, and ads
  • Choose, fine-tune, and optimize keywords
  • Use AdWords to complement organic search engine optimization (SEO) campaigns
  • Use geotargeting and other advanced techniques
  • Profit from AdWords’ suggestions–and know when to ignore them
  • Utilize AdWords reporting to improve your ads’ profitability
  • Control spending, manage cash flow, and reduce costs without impacting results
  • Troubleshoot your AdWords campaigns


《Sams Teach Yourself Google AdWords in 10 Minutes》在您需要快速結果時,提供直接、實用的答案。通過逐步學習10分鐘的課程,您將學到使用Google AdWords找到更多客戶、銷售更多產品和服務,以及以更低成本獲得更高利潤所需的一切!






- 確定目標、目標市場和人口統計信息
- 創建您的AdWords帳戶並發布第一個測試廣告
- 撰寫出色的廣告並不斷改進您的文案
- 根據每天、每週、節假日和季節的正確時間安排廣告
- 掌握AdWords的工具,管理帳戶、出價、關鍵字和廣告
- 選擇、微調和優化關鍵字
- 使用AdWords來補充有機搜索引擎優化(SEO)活動
- 使用地理定位和其他高級技術
- 從AdWords的建議中獲利,並知道何時忽略它們
- 利用AdWords報告來提高廣告的盈利能力
- 控制支出,管理現金流,降低成本而不影響結果
- 解決AdWords廣告活動的問題