Essential Typescript: From Beginner to Pro

Freeman, Adam




Work with Typescript and get the most from this versatile open source language. Author Adam Freeman begins this book by describing Typescript and the benefits it offers, and goes on to show you how to use TypeScript in realistic scenarios, going in-depth to give you the knowledge you need.
Starting from the nuts-and-bolts and building up to the most advanced and sophisticated features, you will learn how TypeScript builds on the JavaScript type system to create a safer and more productive development experience and understand how TypeScript can be used to create applications using popular frameworks, including Node.js, Angular, React, and Vue.js.
Each topic is covered clearly and concisely and is packed with the details you need to learn to be truly effective. The most important features are given a no-nonsense in-depth treatment and chapters include common problems and details of how to avoid them.

What You Will Learn

  • Gain a solid understanding of the TypeScript language and tools
  • Use TypeScript for client- and server-side development
  • Extend and customize TypeScript
  • Debug and unit test your TypeScript code

Who This Book Is For
Developers who want to start using TypeScript, for example to create rich web applications using Angular, React, or Vue.js

Adam Freeman is an experienced IT professional who has held senior positions in a range of companies, most recently serving as chief technology officer and chief operating officer of a global bank. Now retired, he spends his time writing and long-distance running.


使用Typescript並充分利用這個多功能的開源語言。作者Adam Freeman在本書中首先描述了Typescript及其提供的優勢,並進一步展示了如何在實際場景中使用Typescript,深入介紹了您所需的知識。




- 獲得對Typescript語言和工具的扎實理解
- 在客戶端和服務器端開發中使用Typescript
- 擴展和自定義Typescript
- 調試和單元測試您的Typescript代碼



Adam Freeman是一位經驗豐富的IT專業人士,曾在多家公司擔任高級職位,最近擔任全球銀行的首席技術官和首席運營官。現在退休後,他專注於寫作和長跑。


Adam Freeman is an experienced IT professional who has held senior positions in a range of companies, most recently serving as chief technology officer and chief operating officer of a global bank. Now retired, he spends his time writing and long-distance running.


Adam Freeman是一位經驗豐富的資訊科技專業人士,在多家公司擔任高級職位,最近曾擔任全球銀行的首席技術官和首席運營官。現在已退休,他將時間花在寫作和長跑上。