Master intermediate to advanced techniques of the Perl programming language starting with a focus on regular expressions and some of their advanced features. This book then covers other pro-level features, including formatted output, file handling, and more.
Additionally, you'll learn and explore the most useful built-in variables, pragmas, and modules available in the Perl language. Furthermore, you'll work with geometry managers and get a thorough treatment of graphical user interface development using Perl/TK and widgets. Lastly, you'll cover debugging techniques.
Pro Perl Programming is a professional-level reference guide on Perl and includes important aspects of it that you need as a professional programmer.
What You Will Learn
- Program regular expressions including atoms, smartmatch operators, and more
- Use advanced features such as HiRes Time, slurp() functions, Critic, Tidy and many more functions
- Handle advanced formatted output such as printf and sprintf
- Explore useful built-in variables, including status variables, separator variables, and the signal handle variable
- Explore and use Perl's built-in modules, including the Pragma modules
- Work with Perl/TK and its widgets-like geometry managers, frames, labels, buttons, check buttons, radio buttons, scrollbars, scales, entries, and menus
Who This Book Is For
Those with at least some prior experience with Perl programming or have read Beginning Perl Programming by William Rothwell.
《Pro Perl Programming》是一本關於Perl的專業參考指南,包含作為專業程序員所需的重要內容。
- 編寫包括原子、智能匹配運算符等在內的正則表達式
- 使用高級功能,如HiRes Time、slurp()函數、Critic、Tidy等
- 處理複雜的格式化輸出,如printf和sprintf
- 探索有用的內建變量,包括狀態變量、分隔符變量和信號處理變量
- 探索並使用Perl的內建模塊,包括Pragma模塊
- 使用Perl/TK及其小部件,如幾何管理器、框架、標籤、按鈕、核取按鈕、單選按鈕、滾動條、刻度、輸入框和菜單
適合對Perl編程有一定經驗或已閱讀過William Rothwell的《Beginning Perl Programming》的讀者。
At the impressionable age of 14, William "Bo" Rothwell crossed paths with a TRS-80 Micro Computer System (affectionately known as a "Trash 80"). Soon after the adults responsible for Bo made the mistake of leaving him alone with the TSR-80. He immediately dismantled it and held his first computer class, showing his friends what made this "computer thing" work. Since this experience, Bo's passion for understanding how computers work and sharing this knowledge with others has resulting in a rewarding career in IT training. His experience includes Linux, Unix, DevOps tools, and programming languages such as Perl, Python, Tcl, and BASH.
在14歲這個易受影響的年齡,William "Bo" Rothwell與一台TRS-80微型電腦系統(被暱稱為"Trash 80")相遇。不久之後,負責Bo的成年人犯了一個錯誤,把他獨自留在了TRS-80旁邊。他立刻拆解了它,並開設了他的第一個電腦課,向朋友們展示了這個"電腦玩意"是如何運作的。從那時起,Bo對於理解電腦運作原理並與他人分享這些知識的熱情,使他在IT培訓領域獲得了豐富的職業生涯。他的經驗包括Linux、Unix、DevOps工具以及Perl、Python、Tcl和BASH等程式語言。