Data Wrangling with Python: Tips and Tools to Make Your Life Easier (Paperback)

Jacqueline Kazil, Katharine Jarmul




How do you take your data analysis skills beyond Excel to the next level? By learning just enough Python to get stuff done. This hands-on guide shows non-programmers like you how to process information that’s initially too messy or difficult to access. You don't need to know a thing about the Python programming language to get started.

Through various step-by-step exercises, you’ll learn how to acquire, clean, analyze, and present data efficiently. You’ll also discover how to automate your data process, schedule file- editing and clean-up tasks, process larger datasets, and create compelling stories with data you obtain.

  • Quickly learn basic Python syntax, data types, and language concepts
  • Work with both machine-readable and human-consumable data
  • Scrape websites and APIs to find a bounty of useful information
  • Clean and format data to eliminate duplicates and errors in your datasets
  • Learn when to standardize data and when to test and script data cleanup
  • Explore and analyze your datasets with new Python libraries and techniques
  • Use Python solutions to automate your entire data-wrangling process




- 快速學習基本的Python語法、數據類型和語言概念
- 處理機器可讀和人類可讀的數據
- 爬取網站和API以獲取豐富的有用信息
- 清理和格式化數據,消除數據集中的重複和錯誤
- 學習何時標準化數據,何時測試和編寫數據清理腳本
- 使用新的Python庫和技術探索和分析數據集
- 使用Python解決方案自動化整個數據整理過程