Jenkins 2: Up and Running: Evolve Your Deployment Pipeline for Next Generation Automation (Paperback)

Brent Laster




Design, implement, and execute continuous delivery pipelines with a level of flexibility, control, and ease of maintenance that was not possible with Jenkins before. With this practical book, build administrators, developers, testers, and other professionals will learn how the features in Jenkins 2 let you define pipelines as code, leverage integration with other key technologies, and create automated, reliable pipelines to simplify and accelerate your DevOps environments.

Author Brent Laster shows you how Jenkins 2 is significantly different from the more traditional, web-only versions of this popular open source automation platform. If you’re familiar with Jenkins and want to take advantage of the new technologies to transform your legacy pipelines or build new modern, automated continuous delivery environments, this is your book.

  • Control pipeline execution flow with a domain-specific language
  • Integrate Jenkins with messaging services and advanced email methods
  • Harness best practices and new methods for controlling access and security
  • Explore the structure, implementation, and use of shared pipeline libraries
  • Use a declarative structure to simplify creating pipelines as code
  • Leverage new and existing project types in Jenkins
  • Understand and use the new Blue Ocean graphical interface
  • Take advantage of the capabilities of the underlying OS in your pipeline
  • Integrate analysis tools, artifact management, and containers


設計、實施和執行具有彈性、控制力和易於維護的持續交付流程,這是以前的Jenkins無法實現的。通過這本實用書籍,建立管理員、開發人員、測試人員和其他專業人士將學習到Jenkins 2的功能,讓您可以將流程定義為代碼,利用與其他關鍵技術的集成,並創建自動化、可靠的流程,以簡化和加速您的DevOps環境。

作者Brent Laster向您展示了Jenkins 2與這個受歡迎的開源自動化平台的傳統網絡版本有顯著不同。如果您熟悉Jenkins並希望利用新技術來改造您的傳統流程或構建新的現代化、自動化的持續交付環境,這本書是為您而寫的。

- 使用特定領域語言控制流程執行流程
- 將Jenkins與消息服務和高級電子郵件方法集成
- 利用最佳實踐和新方法來控制訪問權限和安全性
- 探索共享流程庫的結構、實施和使用
- 使用聲明性結構簡化創建流程代碼
- 利用Jenkins中的新項目類型和現有項目類型
- 理解並使用新的Blue Ocean圖形界面
- 利用流程中底層操作系統的功能
- 將分析工具、資源管理和容器集成進來