Designed for Use: Create Usable Interfaces for Applications and the Web

Lukas Mathis



This book is for designers, developers, and product managers who are charged with what sometimes seems like an impossible task: making sure products work the way your users expect them to. You'll find out how to design applications and websites that people will not only use, but will absolutely love. The second edition brings the book up to date and expands it with three completely new chapters.

Interaction design - the way the apps on our phones work, the way we enter a destination into our car's GPS - is becoming more and more important. Identify and fix bad software design by making usability the cornerstone of your design process.

Lukas weaves together hands-on techniques and fundamental concepts. Each technique chapter explains a specific approach you can use to make your product more user friendly, such as storyboarding, usability tests, and paper prototyping. Idea chapters are concept-based: how to write usable text, how realistic your designs should look, when to use animations. This new edition is updated and expanded with new chapters covering requirements gathering, how the design of data structures influences the user interface, and how to do design work as a team. Through copious illustrations and supporting psychological research, expert developer and user interface designer Lukas Mathis gives you a deep dive into research, design, and implementation--the essential stages in designing usable interfaces for applications and websites.

Lukas inspires you to look at design in a whole new way, explaining exactly what to look for - and what to avoid - in creating products that get people excited.



互動設計 - 手機上的應用程序運作方式,我們輸入目的地到汽車的GPS的方式 - 變得越來越重要。通過將可用性作為設計過程的基石,識別和修復不良軟件設計。

Lukas結合了實踐技巧和基本概念。每個技巧章節都解釋了一種特定的方法,你可以使用這些方法來使你的產品更加用戶友好,例如故事板、可用性測試和紙上原型。理念章節是基於概念的:如何撰寫可用的文本,你的設計應該看起來多真實,何時使用動畫。這本新版書更新並擴充了新的章節,包括需求收集、數據結構設計如何影響用戶界面以及如何作為團隊進行設計工作。通過大量插圖和支持的心理研究,專業開發人員和用戶界面設計師Lukas Mathis深入探討了研究、設計和實施 - 設計應用程序和網站可用界面的必要階段。

Lukas激勵你以全新的方式看待設計,解釋了在創建讓人們激動的產品時應該尋找什麼 - 以及應該避免什麼。