Color, Light & Composition: A Photographer's Guide (Paperback)

Sue Bishop




Expert photographer Sue Bishop has creat ed a visually stunning book focusing on the three most important factors required to create first-rate photos: color, light, and composition. She explains all the basics: how to understand the color wheel; balance complementary and contrasting colors; work with a limited color palette; see the direction and strength of light; use lines within an image, and much more. Enthusiasts will also learn how to make the most of their equipment, utilize advances in camera technology, and balance the technical and creative side of picture taking.


專業攝影師Sue Bishop創作了一本視覺驚人的書籍,專注於創造一流照片所需的三個最重要因素:色彩、光線和構圖。她解釋了所有基礎知識:如何理解色彩輪;平衡互補和對比色彩;使用有限的色彩調色板;觀察光線的方向和強度;在圖像中使用線條等等。愛好者還將學習如何充分利用他們的設備,利用相機技術的進步,平衡拍攝照片的技術和創意方面。