A Combined Data and Power Management Infrastructure: For Small Satellites

Eickhoff, Jens



This book describes the development and design of a unique combined data and power management infrastructure for small satellites. This new edition became necessary because in the frame of the system's impressive evolution from an academic prototype to one of today's most advanced core avionics, many elements were upgraded to their next technology generation and diverse new components complement the upgraded design. All elements are presented in updated respectively new chapters.

This modular infrastructure was selected by the Swiss start-up ClearSpace SA for ESA's first mission ClearSpace-1 to remove space debris.
Furthermore it is the baseline for the Thai national satellite development program and is used by an increasing number of universities worldwide for research studies.



這種模塊化基礎設施被瑞士初創公司ClearSpace SA選中,用於歐洲太空總署(ESA)的首個任務ClearSpace-1,以清除太空碎片。此外,它還是泰國國家衛星開發計劃的基礎,並被越來越多的全球大學用於研究。


Dr. Jens Eickhoff is Professor for Satellite Systems Technology and Operations at Stuttgart University as well as a lead Engineer Innovation and NewSpace Programs at Airbus Defense and Space, Germany.


Dr. Jens Eickhoff是德國斯圖加特大學的衛星系統技術和運營教授,同時也是德國空中客車防衛與太空公司的創新和新航天計劃的首席工程師。