Higher Education in Sub-Saharan Africa in the 21st Century: Pedagogy, Research and Community-Engagement

Daniel, Ben Kei, Bisaso, Ronald



This book contributes to the understanding of regional and global perspectives on the development and challenges the higher education sector in sub-Saharan Africa faces in the era of globalization. It focuses on the critical aspects of the higher education sector in the Global South, with a particular emphasis on sub-Saharan Africa. It brings together empirical, theoretical and philosophical perspectives from researchers in some of the leading universities in sub-Saharan Africa. The book highlights the higher education sector's stages of growth and development and the contemporary challenges it faces in aligning its goals and capacity globally, and maintaining its image and public identity locally. This book covers neoliberal educational reforms, leadership and governance, pedagogy, technology, the global knowledge economy, and digital advancement. It delves into how the nature and practice of learning, teaching, research, and community engagement as core functions of higher education are re-oriented to contribute to societal transformation in Africa. Further, the book discusses the implications of contemporary issues in higher education: internationalization, employability, leadership and management, and accountability and autonomy in teaching, research, and community engagement.




Ben Kei Daniel, PhD, SMIEEE, is Professor of Higher Education and the Head of the Department of Higher Education Development Centre at the University of Otago, New Zealand. Ben teaches Artificial Intelligence in Education (AIED), research methodology (Quantitative, Qualitative, and Mixed Methods), and Educational Technology. Ben obtained his PhD Jointly in Educational Technology and Artificial Intelligence in Education (AIED) from the University of Saskatchewan in Canada in 2007. At Otago, he is the convenor for Educational Technology strategic initiatives. Ben is an international award-winning research methodologist with extensive theoretical and practical experience in several research methodologies. He is a Chief Editor of the Research Methods section--Frontiers in Research Metrics and Analytics. His main research involves investigating Big Data and Learning Analytics issues in Higher Education. Also, Ben is researching what constitutes "best practice teaching" in research methods. He has published over 170 peer-reviewed publications, including five books, and holds professional memberships with several associations and professional bodies, key among them include membership with the Board of the New Zealand Council for Educational Research (NZERC), the Council of Australasian University Leaders in Learning and Teaching (CAULLT), the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM), and the International Society for Artificial Intelligence in Education (IAIED). He is also a Senior Member of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). Ronald Bisaso, Ph.D., is Associate Professor of Higher Education and Deputy Principal, College of Education and External Studies (CEES) at Makerere University, Uganda. He holds a doctorate of philosophy in Administrative Science, specialising in Higher Education Management from the University of Tampere in Finland. He also holds a Master of Science in Educational and Training Systems Design from the University of Twente in the Netherlands, and a Bachelor's Degree of Arts with Education from Makerere University. His re-search and publication interests include: higher education leadership and management in sub-Saharan Africa, higher education and socio-economic development, organisational change, and capacity building in higher education organisations. Professor Bisaso is a member of the Steering Group of the Worldwide Universities Net-work (WUN) Global Challenge in Higher Education and Research (GHEAR).


本·凱伊·丹尼爾(Ben Kei Daniel),博士,SMIEEE,是紐西蘭奧塔哥大學高等教育教授及高等教育發展中心主任。本教授教授教育中的人工智慧(AIED)、研究方法(定量、定性及混合方法)及教育科技。凱伊於2007年在加拿大薩斯喀徹溫大學獲得教育科技及教育中的人工智慧(AIED)聯合博士學位。在奧塔哥大學,他負責教育科技的戰略倡議。凱伊是一位國際獲獎的研究方法學家,擁有多種研究方法的豐富理論及實踐經驗。他是《研究指標與分析前沿》(Frontiers in Research Metrics and Analytics)研究方法部分的主編。他的主要研究涉及高等教育中的大數據及學習分析問題。此外,凱伊也在研究什麼構成研究方法中的「最佳教學實踐」。他已發表超過170篇經過同行評審的出版物,包括五本書籍,並與多個協會及專業機構保持專業會員關係,其中包括紐西蘭教育研究委員會(NZERC)董事會、澳大利亞大學學習與教學領導者理事會(CAULLT)、計算機協會(ACM)及國際人工智慧教育學會(IAIED)。他也是電氣與電子工程師學會(IEEE)的高級會員。

羅納德·比薩索(Ronald Bisaso),博士,是烏干達馬基瑞雷大學高等教育副教授及教育與外部研究學院(CEES)副校長。他擁有芬蘭坦佩雷大學的行政科學哲學博士學位,專攻高等教育管理。他還擁有荷蘭特溫特大學的教育與培訓系統設計碩士學位,以及馬基瑞雷大學的教育學士學位。他的研究及出版興趣包括:撒哈拉以南非洲的高等教育領導與管理、高等教育與社會經濟發展、組織變革及高等教育機構的能力建設。比薩索教授是全球大學網絡(WUN)高等教育與研究全球挑戰(GHEAR)指導小組的成員。