Business Statistics Using Excel (Paperback)

Glyn Davis, Branko Pecar



Business Statistics Using Excel provides students with the tools they need to confidently approach their course, using screenshots to integrate Excel effectively throughout the text. Each chapter is packed with exercises to engage students and encourage self testing. The authors provide various pedagogical features to show how statistics are used in the real world, including numerous examples throughout, and running "techniques in practice" exercises at the end of each chapter. The book also contains chapters on how to use Excel and a maths refresher, as well as hosting a numerical skills revision chapter online, all of which help to reinforce students' confidence in their mathematical ability, even if they feel they have forgotten what they have previously learnt.

The text is based around a typical one semester business statistics course, thus ensuring that the content maps well to the modules. It is also accompanied by an extensive Online Resource Centre providing a wealth of self-test questions for students, and a test bank for lecturers.

Online Resource Center

Student resources:
Numerical skills workbook
Multiple-choice questions
Annotated web links
Online glossary of terms
Revision tips

Lecturer resources:
Instructor's manual (including detailed worked answers to the exercises in the book)
Cases from the book with suggested solutions
Assignment questions
Examination questions
PowerPoint slides for each chapter
Test bank of questions (a suite of 30 questions per chapter, comprising an equal number of multiple choice, multiple response and true-false questions)

The test bank can be downloaded by lecturers and imported into an appropriate e-Learning platform.


《使用 Excel 的商業統計學》為學生提供了他們在課程中所需的工具,並使用截圖有效地將 Excel 整合到全文中。每個章節都充滿了練習題,以吸引學生並鼓勵自我測試。作者提供了各種教學特點,以展示統計學在現實世界中的應用,包括全書中的眾多例子,以及每個章節末尾的「實踐技巧」練習。該書還包含有關如何使用 Excel 和數學複習的章節,並在線上提供了一個數值技能複習章節,這些都有助於加強學生對自己的數學能力的信心,即使他們覺得自己已經忘記了之前學到的知識。



- 數值技能工作手冊
- 多選題
- 註解網頁連結
- 在線詞彙表
- 複習提示
- 播客

- 教學手冊(包括詳細的練習解答)
- 書中案例及建議解決方案
- 作業問題
- 考試問題
- 每章的 PowerPoint 幻燈片
- 問題測試庫(每章30個問題套,包括相等數量的多選、多回答和是非題)
