Marty Neumeier's INNOVATION TOOLKIT (Paperback)

Marty Neumeier



This is a bundle containing both Marty Neumeier's book, The Designful Company, and his Innovation Workshop DVD.

In his bestselling book The Designful Company (0321580060) Marty Neumeier introduces the management concept of nonstop innovation. "If you want to innovate," he says, "you've got to design. And if you want to innovate continuously, you need a culture of innovation." Whether the reader is a CEO of a global firm or the newest employee in a startup, the principles in these pages will help readers master powerful currents of change. The book includes: a new definition of design; how design thinking is different; what is good design?; and the sixteen levers of change.

The 45-minute DVD video (0321636937) expands to fill a one-day workshop (normally costing $800 per person!). Neumeier presents concepts from his three bestselling "whiteboard" books--THE BRAND GAP, ZAG, and THE DESIGNFUL COMPANY--to give teams the tools needed to thrive in the new economy. The DVD Video includes downloadable exercises to help work through crucial brand and innovation questions. The video covers: a new definition of brand; the three big strategic questions; how to find your "onliness"; and applying the levers of change.
Format details for the video: This is a video DVD. Run time: 47 minutes. Languages: English. Closed Captioned in English.


這是一個包含Marty Neumeier的書籍《The Designful Company》和他的創新工作坊DVD的捆綁套裝。

在他的暢銷書《The Designful Company》(0321580060)中,Marty Neumeier介紹了無休止創新的管理概念。他說:“如果你想創新,你就得設計。如果你想持續創新,你需要一個創新的文化。”無論讀者是一家全球公司的CEO還是初入職場的新員工,本書中的原則將幫助讀者掌握強大的變革力量。本書包括:對設計的新定義;設計思維的不同之處;什麼是好的設計?;以及十六個變革的杠杆。

這個45分鐘的DVD視頻(0321636937)擴展成為一天的工作坊(通常每人費用為800美元!)。Neumeier介紹了他的三本暢銷“白板”書籍《THE BRAND GAP》、《ZAG》和《THE DESIGNFUL COMPANY》中的概念,為團隊提供在新經濟中蓬勃發展所需的工具。該DVD視頻包括可下載的練習,以幫助解決關鍵的品牌和創新問題。該視頻涵蓋:對品牌的新定義;三個重要的戰略問題;如何找到你的“獨特性”;以及應用變革的杠杆。
