97 Things Every Project Manager Should Know: Collective Wisdom from the Experts (Paperback)

Barbee Davis




If the projects you manage don't go as smoothly as you'd like, 97 Things Every Project Manager Should Know offers knowledge that's priceless, gained through years of trial and error. This illuminating book contains 97 short and extremely practical tips -- whether you're dealing with software or non-IT projects -- from some of the world's most experienced project managers and software developers. You'll learn how these professionals have dealt with everything from managing teams to handling project stakeholders to runaway meetings and more.

While this book highlights software projects, its wise axioms contain project management principles applicable to projects of all types in any industry. You can read the book end to end or browse to find topics that are of particular relevance to you. 97 Things Every Project Manager Should Know is both a useful reference and a source of inspiration.

Among the 97 practical tips:

  • "Clever Code Is Hard to Maintain...and Maintenance Is Everything" -- David Wood, Partner, Zepheira
  • "Every Project Manager Is a Contract Administrator" -- Fabio Teixeira de Melo, Planning Manager, Construtora Norberto Odebrecht
  • "Can Earned Value and Velocity Coexist on Reports?" -- Barbee Davis, President, Davis Consulting
  • "How Do You Define 'Finished'"? -- Brian Sam-Bodden, author, software architect
  • "The Best People to Create the Estimates Are the Ones Who Do the Work" -- Joe Zenevitch, Senior Project Manager, ThoughtWorks
  • "How to Spot a Good IT Developer" -- James Graham, independent management consultant
  • "One Deliverable, One Person" -- Alan Greenblatt, CEO, Sciova


如果你管理的專案進展不如預期順利,那麼《97 Things Every Project Manager Should Know》這本書將提供無價的知識,這些知識是通過多年的試錯經驗所獲得的。這本啟發性的書籍包含了97個短小而極其實用的提示,無論你是處理軟體還是非IT專案,都能從世界上一些最有經驗的專案經理和軟體開發人員那裡學到。你將學習到這些專業人士如何應對從團隊管理到處理專案利益相關者,再到會議失控等各種情況。雖然這本書主要關注軟體專案,但其中的智慧格言包含了適用於任何行業、任何類型專案的專案管理原則。你可以從頭到尾閱讀這本書,也可以瀏覽找到對你特別相關的主題。《97 Things Every Project Manager Should Know》既是一本有用的參考書,也是一個靈感來源。

- 「聰明的程式碼難以維護...而維護才是一切」- David Wood,Zepheira合夥人
- 「每個專案經理都是合約管理員」- Fabio Teixeira de Melo,Construtora Norberto Odebrecht計劃經理
- 「盈餘價值和速度能在報告中共存嗎?」- Barbee Davis,Davis Consulting總裁
- 「你如何定義『完成』?」- Brian Sam-Bodden,作家,軟體架構師
- 「最適合估算的人是做工作的人」- Joe Zenevitch,ThoughtWorks高級專案經理
- 「如何辨別一個優秀的IT開發人員」- James Graham,獨立管理顧問
- 「一個成果,一個人負責」- Alan Greenblatt,Sciova首席執行官