Inside Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2003

Brian Johnson, Marc Young, Craig Skibo

  • 出版商: MicroSoft
  • 出版日期: 2003-03-12
  • 售價: $1,980
  • 貴賓價: 9.5$1,881
  • 語言: 英文
  • 頁數: 578
  • 裝訂: Paperback
  • ISBN: 0735618747
  • ISBN-13: 9780735618749
  • 相關分類: .NETVisual Studio
  • 已絕版




Find out how to fine-tune Visual Studio .NET 2003 to take your programming skills to the next level.

Learn how to put all the built-in power of Microsoft® Visual Studio® .NET 2003 to work with this comprehensive, in-depth programming guide. It drills down into the internal workings of Visual Studio .NET to help you get the most out of its features, editors, and project-management capabilities. You’ll see how to extend this rich, integrated development environment to maximize your productivity for any project, no matter where you are in the development cycle—or which language you use. You’ll also learn how to use macros and add-ins to simplify your work. Code examples in every chapter show you exactly what to do. Topics covered include:

Visual Studio .NET as a development tool:
• The evolution of Visual Studio .NET
• Project-management tools
• Editors and the IDE
• Macros

Extending Visual Studio .NET:
• The add-in architecture, the add-in wizard, and the automation object model
• Add-in Manager Plus, which helps you manage add-ins and associated registry entries
• Commands
• Managing solutions and projects programmatically
• Wizards
• Programming the user interface
• Text-editing objects and events
• The code model and Code Model Explorer, which lets you browse your project’s code model view

Deployment, help, and advanced projects:
• Designing setup projects
• Visual Studio .NET 2003 Help
• Advanced projects


Table of Contents:

 Acknowledgments xv
    Introduction xvii
1   The Evolution of Visual Studio .NET 3
    Moving to Visual Studio .NET 3
    Developing for .NET 4
    Unmanaged Development Enhancements 6
        New Compiler Options 7
        Updated Class Libraries 8
        C++ Attributes 9
        Standards Conformance 9
        A New IDE 10
    Visual Studio .NET Features 10
        Editors, Designers, and Tool Windows 11
        Visual Studio .NET File Paths 21
    Visual Studio .NET Extensibility 24
        Macros 24
        Add-ins 25
        Wizards 26
        The Visual Studio Integration Program (VSIP) 26
2   Project Management in Visual Studio .NET 29
    Overview of Solutions and Projects 29
    Understanding Solutions 31
        Solution Items and Miscellaneous Files 32
        Solution Properties 33
        Solution and Solution User Options Files 35
    Projects 39
        Project Items 40
        Project Properties 41
        Project Source Files 50
        Project Dependencies 56
    Building Projects and Solutions 57
3   The Visual Studio .NET Editor 59
    Documents in the IDE 59
        It's All About Text 60
        Typing and Shortcuts 63
        The Zen of Tabs and Code Formatting 70
    Syntax Coloring, Line Numbering, and Outlining (or, What the Compiler Saw) 73
        Syntax Coloring 73
        Line Numbering 77
        Outlining 79
    Programming Help 81
        IntelliSense 81
        Dynamic Help 85
    Using the Command Window 86
    Search, Replace, and Regular Expressions 88
        Wildcards 90
        Regular Expressions 92
        Searching from the Command Window 94
        Incremental Searching 95
4   Visual Studio .NET Macros 97
    Macros: The Duct Tape of Visual Studio .NET 97
        Recording Visual Studio .NET Macros 98
        Macro Commands 100
        Editing Macros in the Macros IDE 102
        A Simple Macro 105
    Working with Macros 106
        Manipulating Documents and Text 107
        Moving Windows 109
        Using Assemblies in Your Macros 112
        Macro Events 113
    Sharing Macros with Others 116
        Exporting Modules and Projects 116
        Turning Macros into Add-ins 118
5   The Add-in Wizard and the Automation Object Model 125
    The Add-in Wizard 125
        Running the Add-in Wizard 126
        The Add-in Project 127
        Installing and Loading the Add-in 134
        Debugging the Add-in 136
    The Automation Object Model 137
        Automation Objects 138
        Object Model Guidelines 139
        Automation Events 140
6   Add-in Architecture 151
    Writing an Add-in from Scratch 151
        Compiling the Basic Add-in 152
        Registering the Basic Add-in with COM 153
        Registering the Basic Add-in with Visual Studio .NET 156
    Add-in Events 158
        The Add-in Event Sequence 158
        The LifeCycle Add-in 160
    The IDTExtensibility2 Interface 162
        The EnvDTE Namespace 162
        OnConnection 163
        OnStartupComplete 165
        OnAddInsUpdate 166
        OnBeginShutdown 170
        OnDisconnection 170
    Add-in Registry Named Values 171
        CommandPreload and the PreloadAddinState Key 171
        LoadBehavior and CommandLineSafe 174
        SatelliteDLLPath and SatelliteDLLName 176
        FriendlyName and Description 178
        AboutBoxDetails and AboutBoxIcon 178
7   Commands 181
    What Is a Command? 181
        Locating Commands 182
        Command Names 183
        Executing Commands 185
        Creating Macro Commands 186
    Creating an Add-in Command 186
        Handling a Command 188
        Command State 189
        How an Add-in Command Handler Is Found 191
    The Command User Interface 191
        The Command Bar Object Model 192
        The Primary Command Bar 193
        Adding a New Command Bar User Interface 194
        Using Custom Bitmaps 196
    Restoring a Lost Command and Its User Interface 197
        devenv /setup 198
        Custom Registration 198
    Removing a Command 202
    Command Parameters 205
    Key Bindings 207
8    Managing Solutions and Projects Programmatically 213
    Working with Solutions 213
        Creating, Loading, and Unloading Solutions 214
        Enumerating Projects 215
        Capturing Solution Events 217
        Solution Add-ins 223
    Working with Project Items 225
        Enumerating Project Items 225
        Adding and Removing Project Items 228
    Working with Language-Specific Project Objects 231
        VSProject Projects 231
    Leveraging Visual Studio .NET Utility Project Types 238
        Miscellaneous Files Project 238
        Solution Items Project 240
        Unmodeled Projects 240
    Project and Project Item Events 241
    Managing Build Configurations 243
        Manipulating Solution Settings 243
        Manipulating Project Settings 251
        Build Events 254
    Persisting Solution and Project Information Across IDE Sessions 257
9    Visual Studio .NET Wizards 259
    An Overview of Wizards 259
        Types of Wizards 259
    Creating the Wizard Object 260
    Creating the .vsz File 264
        Where to Save .vsz Files 265
    Creating Wizard Templates 268
        Using Template Files 269
        Solution Filenames and the New Project Wizard 271
        Replacements 271
        Raw Add New Item Templates 274
    Custom Wizards 275
        Running a Custom Wizard Programmatically 276
        Chaining Custom Wizards 277
    The Wizard Helper Library 279
        Wizard Variables 283
        Wizard Helper Methods 285
        Completing the WizardBuilder Sample 285
10    Programming the User Interface 287
    Window Basics 287
        The Windows Collection 287
        Using the Object Property 290
        The Main Window 291
    Explorer Windows and the UIHierarchy Object 293
        The UIHierarchy Object Tree 293
        The UIHierarchy Object 295
        The UIHierarchyItems Object 297
        The UIHierarchyItem Object 297
    The Toolbox Window 298
        Tabs and Items 298
        Adding Items to the Toolbox 299
    The Task List Window 303
        Task List Items 303
        Adding New Tasks 303
        The TaskItem Object 309
        Task List Events 310
        Comment Tokens 312
    The Output Window 316
        Output Window Panes 316
    The Forms Designer Window 318
        The IDesignerHost Interface 318
        Marshaling 319
        Adding Controls to a Form 319
        Finding Existing Controls 320
        A Form Layout Sample 321
    Creating Custom Tool Windows 322
        Shim Controls 325
        Setting the Tab Picture of a Custom Tool Window 329
        Setting the Selection Object 329
    The Options Dialog Box 330
        Changing Existing Settings 330
        Creating Custom Settings 335
11    Text Editing Objects and Events 341
    Editor Windows 341
        The Window Object 342
        The TextWindow and HTMLWindow Objects 343
        The TextPane Object 345
    Documents 348
        The Document Object 348
        The TextDocument Object 353
    Point Objects 353
        TextPoint 353
        VirtualPoint 354
        EditPoint 357
        The TextSelection Object 357
        A Comparison of TextSelection and EditPoint 359
    Undo Contexts 360
        Automatic Undo Contexts 361
        Creating Undo Contexts 362
        Stack Linkage 365
    The LineChanged Event 366
        Multiple LineChanged Event Handlers 371
12    The Code Model 375
    Discovering Code 375
        A Quick Tour Through a Source File 375
        Getting a CodeElement from a Point Object 388
    Generating Code 389
        Building a Source File 389
13    Designing Setup Projects 397
    Microsoft Windows Installer (MSI) Background 397
    Creating Custom Installation Projects 398
        File System Editor 399
        Registry Editor 404
        File Types Editor 411
        User Interface Editor 413
        Custom Actions 421
        Launch Conditions Editor 425
    Merge Modules 431
    Setup for .NET Programs 432
14    Visual Studio .NET Help 441
    Navigating the Help System 441
        Help Windows 443
        Search and Index Options 444
        Narrowing Search Results 445
        Creating Custom Help Filters 446
        Searching from the Command Window 447
    Customizing the Dynamic Help Window 448
        Using the XML Help Provider Service 450
    Creating Custom Help Files 454
        Registering Your Help Collection 460
15    Advanced Projects in Visual Studio .NET 463
    Visual Studio .NET from the Command Line 463
        Building Projects and Solutions from the Command Line 464
        Setting GUI Options at the Command Line 468
        VSIP Options 470
    Source Control with Visual SourceSafe 470
        Setting Up VSS 470
        Placing Files Under Source Control 471
        Working with Files Under Source Control 474
        Planning Your Solutions Carefully 479
        Don't Break the Build 480
APPENDIX Code Model Reference 483
    Code Model Objects 483
        FileCodeModel and CodeModel 483
        CodeElement 488
        Specialized Code Model Objects 491
    Generating Code 507
        Common Parameters 507
        Main Add Methods 509
        Other Add Methods 513
        Remove Methods 516