Powerful Python: Patterns and Strategies with Modern Python
暫譯: 強大的 Python:現代 Python 的模式與策略
Maxwell, Aaron
Once you've mastered the basics of Python, how do you skill up to the top 1%? How do you focus your learning time on topics that yield the most benefit for production engineering and data teams--without getting distracted by info of little real-world use? This book answers these questions and more.
Based on author Aaron Maxwell's software engineering career in Silicon Valley, this unique book focuses on the Python first principles that act to accelerate everything else: the 5% of programming knowledge that makes the remaining 95% fall like dominos. It's also this knowledge that helps you become an exceptional Python programmer, fast.
- Learn how to think like a Pythonista: explore advanced Pythonic thinking
- Create lists, dicts, and other data structures using a high-level, readable, and maintainable syntax
- Explore higher-order function abstractions that form the basis of Python libraries
- Examine Python's metaprogramming tool for priceless patterns of code reuse
- Master Python's error model and learn how to leverage it in your own code
- Learn the more potent and advanced tools of Python's object system
- Take a deep dive into Python's automated testing and TDD
- Learn how Python logging helps you troubleshoot and debug more quickly
一旦你掌握了 Python 的基本知識,如何提升到前 1% 的水平?如何將學習時間集中在對生產工程和數據團隊最有益的主題上,而不被實際應用價值不大的資訊所分心?這本書將回答這些問題以及更多。
基於作者 Aaron Maxwell 在矽谷的軟體工程職業生涯,這本獨特的書籍專注於加速其他一切的 Python 基本原則:那 5% 的程式設計知識使得其餘 95% 像多米諾骨牌般倒下。正是這些知識幫助你快速成為一名卓越的 Python 程式設計師。
- 學習如何像 Pythonista 一樣思考:探索進階的 Pythonic 思維
- 使用高階、可讀且易於維護的語法創建列表、字典和其他數據結構
- 探索形成 Python 函式庫基礎的高階函式抽象
- 檢視 Python 的元程式設計工具,以獲得無價的程式碼重用模式
- 精通 Python 的錯誤模型,並學習如何在自己的程式碼中利用它
- 學習 Python 物件系統中更強大和進階的工具
- 深入探討 Python 的自動化測試和測試驅動開發 (TDD)
- 學習 Python 日誌如何幫助你更快地進行故障排除和除錯