Basic Security Testing with Kali Linux 2 (Paperback)

Daniel W. Dieterle




Basic Security Testing with Kali Linux 2

Kali Linux 2 (2016) is an Ethical Hacking platform that allows good guys to use the same tools and techniques that a hacker would use, so they can find security issues before the bad guys do.

In Basic Security Testing with Kali Linux 2, you will learn basic examples of how hackers find out information about your company, find weaknesses in your security and how they gain access to your system.

Completely updated for 2016, this step-by-step guide covers:

  • Kali Linux Introduction and Overview
  • Shodan (the “Hacker’s Google”)
  • Metasploit Tutorials
  • Exploiting Windows and Linux Systems
  • Escalating Privileges in Windows
  • Cracking Passwords and Obtaining Clear Text Passwords
  • Wi-Fi Attacks
  • Kali on a Raspberry Pi
  • Securing your Network
  • And Much More!

Though no computer can be completely “Hacker Proof” knowing how an attacker works will help put you on the right track of better securing your network!


《Kali Linux 2 基礎安全測試》

Kali Linux 2 (2016) 是一個道德黑客平台,讓善意的人可以使用與駭客相同的工具和技術,以便在壞人之前找到安全問題。

在《Kali Linux 2 基礎安全測試》中,您將學習到黑客如何獲取有關您公司的信息,找到您安全系統的弱點以及如何進入您的系統的基本示例。


- Kali Linux 簡介與概述
- Shodan(「黑客的 Google」)
- Metasploit 教程
- 攻擊 Windows 和 Linux 系統
- 在 Windows 中提升權限
- 破解密碼和獲取明文密碼
- Wi-Fi 攻擊
- 在 Raspberry Pi 上使用 Kali
- 網絡安全
- 還有更多!
