Footlights: Critical Notebook 19701982

Daney, Serge, Elliott, Nicholas

  • 出版商: Semiotext(e)
  • 出版日期: 2023-12-12
  • 售價: $800
  • 貴賓價: 9.5$760
  • 語言: 英文
  • 頁數: 216
  • 裝訂: Quality Paper - also called trade paper
  • ISBN: 1635901987
  • ISBN-13: 9781635901986
  • 下單後立即進貨 (約1週~2週)


The early essays of the most influential French film critic of the post-68 period.

The Footlights (1983) was the first book by Serge Daney, a film critic admired in his lifetime by Gilles Deleuze and Jean-Luc Godard and recognized since his premature death in 1992 as the most important French writer on film after André Bazin. The Footlights stands apart in Daney's body of work as the only collection of his essays he conceived of as a book, organizing his seminal pieces from Cahiers du Cinéma by theme and linking them with original texts that reflect in a personal voice on the doubts, battles, and illuminations of a generation of film lovers inspired by the explorations of Lacanian theory and roused by the collective aspirations of Maoist dogma. In pieces on fellow travelers Godard and Straub/Huillet, on films ranging from Pasolini's Saló to Spielberg's Jaws, and on the difference between film language and television discourse, Daney offers a definitive portrait of an era of radical hope and disappointment.


《68 之後最具影響力的法國電影評論家的早期隨筆》。
《Footlights》(1983)是塞爾日·達內(Serge Daney)的第一本書,他在生前受到吉爾·德勒茲(Gilles Deleuze)和尚盧·戈達爾(Jean-Luc Godard)的讚賞,自1992年過世以來,被認為是安德烈·巴贊(André Bazin)之後最重要的法國電影作家。《Footlights》在達內的作品中獨樹一幟,因為這是他唯一以書籍形式構思的隨筆集,按照主題組織了他在《Cahiers du Cinéma》上的重要作品,並用原創文本將它們聯繫起來,這些文本以個人聲音反映了一代電影愛好者的疑惑、鬥爭和啟示,這些人受到拉康理論探索的啟發,並受到毛澤東主義教條的集體願望所激勵。在關於同道者戈達爾和斯特勞布/赫伊特(Straub/Huillet)、從帕索里尼(Pasolini)的《Saló》到史匹柏(Spielberg)的《Jaws》的電影,以及電影語言與電視話語之間差異的文章中,達內提供了一幅關於一個充滿激進希望與失望的時代的定義性肖像。


Serge Daney became the editor of Cahiers du Cinema in 1974. In 1981, he left Cahiers and wrote about visual culture for Libération, turning his attention to television and coverage of the Gulf War. He collaborated with Claire Denis on a documentary film, Jacques Rivette, le veilleur (1990). He died of AIDS-related causes in 1992.


Serge Daney 在1974年成為《Cahiers du Cinema》的編輯。1981年,他離開《Cahiers》,並為《Libération》撰寫有關視覺文化的文章,將注意力轉向電視和海灣戰爭的報導。他與Claire Denis合作拍攝了紀錄片《Jacques Rivette, le veilleur》(1990)。他於1992年因與艾滋病相關的原因去世。