Rediscovering JavaScript: Master ES6, ES7, and ES8 (Paperback)

Venkat Subramaniam

  • 出版商: Pragmatic Bookshelf
  • 出版日期: 2018-07-17
  • 定價: $1,600
  • 售價: 9.5$1,520
  • 語言: 英文
  • 頁數: 288
  • 裝訂: Paperback
  • ISBN: 1680505467
  • ISBN-13: 9781680505467
  • 相關分類: JavaScript
  • 立即出貨 (庫存 < 3)



JavaScript is no longer to be feared or loathed - the world's most popular and ubiquitous language has evolved into a respectable language. Whether you're writing frontend applications or server side code, the phenomenal features from ES6 and beyond - like the rest operator, generators, destructuring, object literals, arrow functions, modern classes, promises, async, and metaprogramming capabilities - will get you excited and eager to program with JavaScript. You've found the right book to get started quickly and dive deep into the essence of modern JavaScript. Learn practical tips to apply the elegant parts of the language and the gotchas to avoid.

JavaScript is a black swan that no one, including the author of the language, thought would become a popular and ubiquitous language. Not long ago, it was the most hated and feared language you could use to program the web. JavaScript ES6 and beyond has gone through a significant makeover. Troublesome features have been replaced with better, elegant, more reliable alternatives. This book includes many practical examples and exercises to help you learn in depth. It will not bore you with idiosyncrasies and arcane details intended for bad interview questions. Instead, it takes you into key features that you can readily use in your day-to-day projects.

Whether you program the frontend or the server side, you can now write concise, elegant, and expressive JavaScript with newer features like default parameters, template literals, rest and spread operators, destructuring, arrow functions, and generators. Take it up a notch with features like infinite series, promises, async, and metaprogramming to create flexible, powerful, and extensible libraries. While the evolved features of the language will draw you in, the hundreds of examples in this book will pin the concepts down, for you to use on your projects. Take command of modern JavaScript and unlock your potential to create powerful applications.

What You Need:

To try out the examples in the book you will need a computer with Node.js, a text editor, and a browser like Chrome installed in it.


JavaScript不再是一個令人害怕或厭惡的語言 - 這個世界上最受歡迎和普及的語言已經演變成一個受人尊敬的語言。無論您是編寫前端應用程序還是服務器端代碼,從ES6及更高版本中引入的出色功能 - 如rest運算符、生成器、解構、對象字面量、箭頭函數、現代類、承諾、異步和元編程能力 - 將讓您興奮並渴望使用JavaScript進行編程。您找到了一本讓您快速入門並深入了解現代JavaScript本質的正確書籍。學習應用語言的優雅部分和需要避免的陷阱的實用技巧。

JavaScript是一只黑天鵝,連語言的創造者都沒有想到它會成為一種受歡迎和普及的語言。不久前,它是您可以用來編寫網頁的最受憎恨和害怕的語言。JavaScript ES6及更高版本經歷了重大改造。麻煩的功能已被更好、更優雅、更可靠的替代品所取代。本書包含許多實用的示例和練習,幫助您深入學習。它不會讓您感到無聊,也不會介紹那些為了糟糕的面試問題而設計的怪癖和奧秘細節。相反,它將帶您進入您可以在日常項目中立即使用的關鍵功能。


