Learning Jupyter 5: Explore interactive computing using Python, Java, JavaScript, R, Julia, and JupyterLab, 2nd Edition

Dan Toomey




Create and share livecode, equations, visualizations, and explanatory text, in both a single document and a web browser with Jupyter

Key Features

  • Learn how to use Jupyter 5.x features such as cell tagging and attractive table styles
  • Leverage big data tools and datasets with different Python packages
  • Explore multiple-user Jupyter Notebook servers

Book Description

The Jupyter Notebook allows you to create and share documents that contain live code, equations, visualizations, and explanatory text. The Jupyter Notebook system is extensively used in domains such as data cleaning and transformation, numerical simulation, statistical modeling, and machine learning. Learning Jupyter 5 will help you get to grips with interactive computing using real-world examples.

The book starts with a detailed overview of the Jupyter Notebook system and its installation in different environments. Next, you will learn to integrate the Jupyter system with different programming languages such as R, Python, Java, JavaScript, and Julia, and explore various versions and packages that are compatible with the Notebook system. Moving ahead, you will master interactive widgets and namespaces and work with Jupyter in a multi-user mode.

By the end of this book, you will have used Jupyter with a big dataset and be able to apply all the functionalities you've explored throughout the book. You will also have learned all about the Jupyter Notebook and be able to start performing data transformation, numerical simulation, and data visualization.

What you will learn

  • Install and run the Jupyter Notebook system on your machine
  • Implement programming languages such as R, Python, Julia, and JavaScript with the Jupyter Notebook
  • Use interactive widgets to manipulate and visualize data in real time
  • Start sharing your Notebook with colleagues
  • Invite your colleagues to work with you on the same Notebook
  • Organize your Notebook using Jupyter namespaces
  • Access big data in Jupyter for dealing with large datasets using Spark

Who this book is for

Learning Jupyter 5 is for developers, data scientists, machine learning users, and anyone working on data analysis or data science projects across different teams. Data science professionals will also find this book useful for performing technical and scientific computing collaboratively.

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction to Jupyter
  2. Jupyter Python Scripting
  3. Jupyter R Scripting
  4. Jupyter Julia Scripting
  5. Jupyter Java Coding
  6. Jupyter JavaScript Coding
  7. Jupyter Scala
  8. Jupyter and Big Data
  9. Interactive Widgets
  10. Sharing and Coverting Jupyter Notebook
  11. Multiuser Jupyter Notebook
  12. What's Next?




  • 學習如何使用Jupyter 5.x的功能,例如單元標記和吸引人的表格樣式

  • 利用不同的Python套件使用大數據工具和數據集

  • 探索多用戶Jupyter Notebook伺服器


Jupyter Notebook允許您創建和分享包含實時代碼、方程式、可視化和解釋性文本的文件。Jupyter Notebook系統在數據清理和轉換、數值模擬、統計建模和機器學習等領域被廣泛使用。學習Jupyter 5將幫助您掌握使用實際示例的交互式計算。

本書首先詳細介紹了Jupyter Notebook系統及其在不同環境中的安裝。接下來,您將學習將Jupyter系統與R、Python、Java、JavaScript和Julia等不同的編程語言集成,並探索與Notebook系統兼容的各種版本和套件。隨著進一步的學習,您將掌握交互式小部件和命名空間,並以多用戶模式使用Jupyter。

通過閱讀本書,您將使用大數據集合Jupyter,並能夠應用書中介紹的所有功能。您還將學習有關Jupyter Notebook的所有知識,並能夠開始進行數據轉換、數值模擬和數據可視化。


  • 在您的計算機上安裝和運行Jupyter Notebook系統

  • 使用Jupyter Notebook實現R、Python、Julia和JavaScript等編程語言

  • 使用交互式小部件實時操作和可視化數據

  • 與同事共享您的Notebook

  • 邀請同事在同一個Notebook上共同工作

  • 使用Jupyter命名空間組織您的Notebook

  • 使用Spark訪問Jupyter中的大數據處理大型數據集


《學習Jupyter 5》適合開發人員、數據科學家、機器學習使用者以及在不同團隊中從事數據分析或數據科學項目的人員。數據科學專業人士也可以在技術和科學計算方面進行協作時參考本書。


  1. Jupyter簡介

  2. Jupyter Python編程

  3. Jupyter R編程

  4. Jupyter Julia編程

  5. Jupyter Java編程

  6. Jupyter JavaScript編程

  7. Jupyter Scala

  8. Jupyter和大數據

  9. 交互式小部件

  10. 分享和轉換Jupyter Notebook

  11. 多用戶Jupyter Notebook

  12. 下一步是什麼?