從零開始學 Visual C# 2022 程式設計, 4/e
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Programming C# 12: Build Cloud, Web, and Desktop Applications (Paperback)
VIP 95折
重構:改善 .NET 與 C# 應用程式的設計,償還欠下的技術債 (使用 GitHub Copilot 與 Visual Studio) (Refactoring with C#: Safely improve .NET applications and pay down technical debt with Visual Studio, .NET 8, and C# 12)
VIP 95折
Architecting ASP.NET Core Applications : An atypical design patterns guide for .NET 8, C# 12, and beyond, 3/e (Paperback)
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C# Interview Guide: Boost your confidence with answers to hundreds of secret interview questions
Visual C# 程式設計經典 - 邁向 Azure 雲端、AI 影像辨識與 OpenAI API 服務開發 (適用C# 2022/2019/2017)
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C# Data Structures and Algorithms - Second Edition: Harness the power of C# to build a diverse range of efficient applications
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Software Architecture with C# 12 and .NET 8 : Build enterprise applications using microservices, DevOps, EF Core, and design patterns, 4/e (Paperback)
VIP 95折
.NET MAUI Projects - Third Edition: Build multi-platform desktop and mobile apps from scratch using C# and Visual Studio 2022
C# 11 和.NET 7 入門與跨平臺開發, 7/e
VIP 95折
新觀念 Visual C# 程式設計範例教本, 6/e
Game Programming with Unity and C#: A Complete Beginner's Guide 2nd ed. Edition
Selenium Webdriver Recipes in C#: Practical Testing Solutions for Selenium Webdriver 3/e
C# 也能完整 AI - TensorFlow.NET 實戰現場
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C# 12 in a Nutshell: The Definitive Reference
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C# 12 Pocket Reference: Instant Help for C# 12 Programmers
VIP 90折
Essential C# 12.0 (Paperback)
VIP 95折
Refactoring with C#: Safely improve .NET applications and pay down technical debt with Visual Studio, .NET 8, and C# 12 (Paperback)
VIP 95折
C# 12 and .NET 8 - Modern Cross-Platform Development Fundamentals - Eighth Edition: Start building websites and services with ASP.NET Core 8, Blazor, and EF Core 8, 8/e (Paperback)
VIP 95折
Learn WinUI 3 : Leverage WinUI and the Windows App SDK to create modern Windows applications with C# and XAML, 2/e (Paperback)
VIP 90折
The C# Type System
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Functional Programming with C#: Create More Supportable, Robust, and Testable Code (Paperback)
VIP 95折
Creating an RTS Game in Unity 2023: A comprehensive guide to creating your own strategy game from scratch using C#
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