VIP 95折
Azure OpenAI Service for Cloud Native Applications: Designing, Planning, and Implementing Generative AI Solutions
AI-900:Microsoft Azure AI Fundamentals 人工智慧核心能力國際認證應考攻略
VIP 95折
VIP 95折
AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner Clf-C02 Cert Guide
VIP 95折
Exam Ref Az-204 Developing Solutions for Microsoft Azure 3rd Edition
VIP 95折
Kubernetes 權威指南:從 Docker 到 Kubernetes 實踐全接觸, 6/e (上)
VIP 95折
Linux 企業運維實戰 (Redis + Zabbix + Nginx + Prometheus + Grafana + LNMP)
VIP 95折
你的第一本 Linux 入門書:使用 WSL 建立 Linux 軟體開發與部署環境,一次學會 Docker、版本控制、建立 AI 預訓練模型
駕馭組織 DevOps 六面向:變革、改善與規模化的全局策略
Exam Ref Az-104 Microsoft Azure Administrator 2nd
VIP 95折
Nuclio 實戰與原始碼分析:基於Kubernetes的Serverless FaaS平台
VIP 90折
Building Multi-Tenant Saas Architectures: Principles, Practices, and Patterns Using AWS (Paperback)
VIP 90折
Linkerd: Up and Running: A Guide to Operationalizing a Kubernetes-Native Service Mesh
AWS Certified Sysops Administrator Study Guide: Associate Soa-C02 Exam
VIP 95折
Zabbix 實戰手冊:從 6.0 到 7.0
VIP 95折
Vmware Vsphere Essentials: A Practical Approach to Vsphere Deployment and Management
Effective Vulnerability Management: Managing Risk in the Vulnerable Digital Ecosystem
VIP 95折
Azure ARC Systems Management: Governance and Administration of Multi-Cloud and Hybrid It Estates
Bootstrapping Microservices, Second Edition: With Docker, Kubernetes, Github Actions, and Terraform
VIP 95折
Exam Ref Dp-900 Microsoft Azure Data Fundamentals
VIP 95折
DevOps Unleashed with Git and GitHub: Automate, collaborate, and innovate to enhance your DevOps workflow and development experience
VIP 95折
Secure Continuous Delivery on Google Cloud: Implement an automated and secure software delivery pipeline on Google Cloud using native services
VIP 95折
Kubernetes 零基礎實戰
VIP 95折
機器學習大數據平臺的構建、任務實現與數據治理 — 使用 Azure、DevOps、MLOps
Programming Large Language Models with Azure Open AI: Conversational Programming and Prompt Engineering with Llms
VIP 90折
The Complete Developer: Master the Full Stack with Typescript, React, Next.Js, Mongodb, and Docker
Kubernetes for Developers
VIP 95折
Hands-On Python for DevOps: Leverage Python's native libraries to streamline your workflow and save time with automation
PL-900:Microsoft Power Platform Fundamentals 商業智慧應用核心能力國際認證應考攻略, 2/e