Make: Three Modes of Making: Designing Purposeful Projects to Teach Maker Skills
VIP 95折
Azure for Decision Makers: The essential guide to Azure for business leaders
VIP 95折
Computer Vision on AWS: Build and deploy real-world CV solutions with Amazon Rekognition, Lookout for Vision, and SageMaker
VIP 95折
Microsoft Power Platform Enterprise Architecture - Second Edition: Design tailor-made solutions for architects and decision makers to meet complex bus
VIP 90折
Avr Workshop: A Hands-On Introduction with 60 Projects
VIP 95折
Make: Tips and Tales from the Workshop Volume 2: A Handy Reference for Makers
VIP 95折
Make: Electronics: Learning by Discovery: A Hands-On Primer for the New Electronics Enthusiast, 3/e (Paperback)
VIP 95折
Robot Magic: Beginner Robotics for the Maker and Magician
Smaller C: Lean Code for Small Machines (Paperback)
Essential 555 IC: Design, Configure, and Create Clever Circuits
VIP 95折
The Maker Magician's Handbook: A Beginner's Guide to Magic + Making
Machine Learning for Business: Using Amazon Sagemaker and Jupyter
VIP 90折
The Big Book of Maker Camp Projects
VIP 95折
Machine Learning in the AWS Cloud: Add Intelligence to Applications with Amazon SageMaker and Amazon Rekognition
輕課程 用 Scratch(mBlock 3) 玩 Arduino 基礎控制 - 使用 iPOE M4 Maker 多功能實驗板 (範例download)
Hatch 1-2-3(開發板+書)
Unity3D PlayMaker 游戲設計與實現
MAKERbuino 遊戲機開發板
She Maker:女力創客的自造年代, 2/e
創意實作:Maker 具備的 9 種技能
Makerspace專題大全:啟發你實驗、創造和學習的靈感 (The Big Book of Makerspace Projects: Inspiring Makers to Experiment, Create, and Learn)
KT eduino 樂創學習
Mood Light - Pi Zero W Project Kit
Learn FileMaker Pro 16: The Comprehensive Guide to Building Custom Databases
VIP 95折
Make Your Own PCBs with EAGLE: From Schematic Designs to Finished Boards
Arduino Playground: Geeky Projects for the Curious Maker
自造手冊:新工業革命實務指南 (The Maker's Manual: A Practical Guide to the New Industrial Revolution Paperback)
數位時代的端士刀來了:Arduino 開創物聯網大局 (舊版: 跨入 Maker 物聯網時代:誰都可以用 Arduino)
Music Maker 21 數位影音創作超人氣 -- 配音、配樂與音效超強全應用
Making Makers:讓孩子從小愛上動手做 (Making Makers: Kids, Tools, and the Future of Innovation)