從零開始學 Visual C# 2022 程式設計, 4/e
全彩 x 最新 x 最全 x 最強 Excel 公式 + 函數 創意實例
VIP 95折
Programming C# 12: Build Cloud, Web, and Desktop Applications (Paperback)
VIP 90折
.Net in Action, Second Edition
30天挑戰精通 PowerShell【第四版】:Windows、Linux 和 macOS 適用 (Learn PowerShell in a Month of Lunches: Covers Windows, Linux, and macOS, 4/e)
VIP 95折
Mastering PowerShell Scripting - Fifth Edition: Automate repetitive tasks and simplify complex administrative tasks using PowerShell
F# in Action
VIP 95折
VIP 90折
Learn Powershell Scripting in a Month of Lunches : Write and Organize Scripts and Tools 2nd Edition
VIP 95折
Web API Development with ASP.NET Core 8: Learn techniques, patterns, and tools for building high-performance, robust, and scalable web APIs
VIP 95折
ASP.NET Core 從入門到精通
VIP 95折
ASP.NET Core 學習之旅:逐步建立自己的開發框架
VIP 95折
深入淺出:ASP.NET Core
Visual Basic 理論與實務講座 (舊名: Visual Basic 2005 完美的演繹)
重構:改善 .NET 與 C# 應用程式的設計,償還欠下的技術債 (使用 GitHub Copilot 與 Visual Studio) (Refactoring with C#: Safely improve .NET applications and pay down technical debt with Visual Studio, .NET 8, and C# 12)
VIP 95折
.NET MAUI Cross-Platform Application Development - Second Edition: Build high-performance apps for Android, iOS, macOS, and Windows using XAML and Bla
VIP 95折
Architecting ASP.NET Core Applications : An atypical design patterns guide for .NET 8, C# 12, and beyond, 3/e (Paperback)
VIP 95折
Clean Architecture with .Net
VIP 95折
Windows Server 2022 Advanced Networking
VIP 95折
C# Interview Guide: Boost your confidence with answers to hundreds of secret interview questions
Visual C# 程式設計經典 - 邁向 Azure 雲端、AI 影像辨識與 OpenAI API 服務開發 (適用C# 2022/2019/2017)
VIP 95折
VIP 95折
ASP.NET 項目實戰教程 — 從 .NET Framework 到 .NET Core
VIP 95折
VIP 95折
SQL與NoSQL融合數據管理與應用實戰教程:基於MS SQL Server與Neo4j圖數據庫
VIP 95折
Hands-On Visual Studio 2022 - Second Edition: A developer's guide to new features and best practices with .NET 8 and VS 2022 for maximum productivity
VIP 95折
VIP 95折
C# Data Structures and Algorithms - Second Edition: Harness the power of C# to build a diverse range of efficient applications
VIP 95折
PowerShell 7 Workshop: Learn how to program with PowerShell 7 on Windows, Linux, and the Raspberry Pi