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.Net in Action, Second Edition
VIP 95折
Web API Development with ASP.NET Core 8: Learn techniques, patterns, and tools for building high-performance, robust, and scalable web APIs
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ASP.NET Core 從入門到精通
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ASP.NET Core 學習之旅:逐步建立自己的開發框架
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深入淺出:ASP.NET Core
重構:改善 .NET 與 C# 應用程式的設計,償還欠下的技術債 (使用 GitHub Copilot 與 Visual Studio) (Refactoring with C#: Safely improve .NET applications and pay down technical debt with Visual Studio, .NET 8, and C# 12)
VIP 95折
.NET MAUI Cross-Platform Application Development - Second Edition: Build high-performance apps for Android, iOS, macOS, and Windows using XAML and Bla
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Architecting ASP.NET Core Applications : An atypical design patterns guide for .NET 8, C# 12, and beyond, 3/e (Paperback)
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Clean Architecture with .Net
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ASP.NET 項目實戰教程 — 從 .NET Framework 到 .NET Core
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Hands-On Visual Studio 2022 - Second Edition: A developer's guide to new features and best practices with .NET 8 and VS 2022 for maximum productivity
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Software Architecture with C# 12 and .NET 8 : Build enterprise applications using microservices, DevOps, EF Core, and design patterns, 4/e (Paperback)
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.NET MAUI Projects - Third Edition: Build multi-platform desktop and mobile apps from scratch using C# and Visual Studio 2022
Visual Basic.NET 程式設計在 AI 遊戲、繪圖、數學互動的應用 (舊名: Visual Basic.NET 2017 物件/ 函數物件/元件模組開發寶典)
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ASP.NET Core + Vue.js 全棧開發訓練營
領域驅動設計 .Net 實踐
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ASP.NET 8 Best Practices: Explore techniques, patterns, and practices to develop effective large-scale .NET web apps
C# 也能完整 AI - TensorFlow.NET 實戰現場
VIP 95折
Apps and Services with .NET 8 - Second Edition: Build practical projects with Blazor, .NET MAUI, gRPC, GraphQL, and other enterprise technologies
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The MVVM Pattern in .NET MAUI: The definitive guide to essential patterns, best practices, and techniques for cross-platform app development
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Refactoring with C#: Safely improve .NET applications and pay down technical debt with Visual Studio, .NET 8, and C# 12 (Paperback)
輕鬆自學 ASP.NET Core MVC(.NET 8):從建置到部署的 Web 程式經典範例實作
VIP 95折
C# 12 and .NET 8 - Modern Cross-Platform Development Fundamentals - Eighth Edition: Start building websites and services with ASP.NET Core 8, Blazor, and EF Core 8, 8/e (Paperback)
VIP 95折
Coding Clean, Reliable, and Safe Rest APIs with ASP.NET Core 8: Develop Robust Minimal APIs with .Net 8
VIP 95折
A Developer's Guide to .NET in Azure: Build quick, scalable cloud-native applications and microservices with .NET 6.0 and Azure
數據庫處理——基礎、 設計與實現(第十六版)
VIP 90折
Pro ASP.NET Core 7, Tenth Edition
從新手到高手:.NET 框架程式開發實作