Just for Fun: The Story of an Accidental Revolutionary

Linus Torvalds, David Diamond



Once upon a time Linus Torvalds was a skinny unknown, just another nerdy Helsinki techie who had been fooling around with computers since childhood. Then he wrote a groundbreaking operating system and distributed it via the Internet -- for free. Today Torvalds is an international folk hero. And his creation LINUX is used by over 12 million people as well as by companies such as IBM.

Now, in a narrative that zips along with the speed of e-mail, Torvalds gives a history of his renegade software while candidly revealing the quirky mind of a genius. The result is an engrossing portrayal of a man with a revolutionary vision, who challenges our values and may change our world.


從前,Linus Torvalds是一個瘦弱無名的人,只是一個在赫爾辛基的技術宅,從小就一直在玩電腦。然後他寫了一個開創性的作業系統,並通過互聯網免費分發。如今,Torvalds是一位國際民間英雄。他的創作LINUX被超過1200萬人使用,包括IBM等公司。

