IP Telephony

Walter Goralski, Matthew C. Kolon



Demystifying the operation of Intenet telephone protocols and technologies, IP Telephony, by Walter Goralski and Matthew Kolon, establishes a solid framework for Internet-powered voice communications. This quick-study reference explains the world of central office switches and signaling protocols, exploring every phase of telephony from billing to caller ID to voice routing protocols. Conversely, it explores the existing structure of the Internet and the IP protocol stack to explain the world of routers and connectionless IP. Youll find a bonanza of examples that demonstrate how organizations; local, national and global can employ Internet telephony both to save money and to provide services ranging from Internet faxing to solving a multitude of business problems. This plain-English guide lets you..

*See how to make your existing data network do double duty as your phone system
*Explore voice-enabled Web sites for everything from Internet telemarketing to customer support
*Understand the implementation standards, SS7, H.323, RSVP, the ITU G.x series, and more
*Recognize the role of Internet telephone gateways
*Understand the relationship between quality of service (QOS), frame relay, and ATM network as voice vehicles
*And much more