CNET Do-It-Yourself Mac Projects

Joli Ballew, Andrew Shalat

  • 出版商: McGraw-Hill Education
  • 出版日期: 2006-12-01
  • 定價: $875
  • 售價: 2.3$199
  • 語言: 英文
  • 頁數: 299
  • 裝訂: Paperback
  • ISBN: 0072264713
  • ISBN-13: 9780072264715
  • 立即出貨 (庫存=1)





Discover the hidden magic of your Mac

Maximize the power of your Mac with the useful and entertaining projects packed inside this easy-to-follow guide. Produced in conjunction with, the place you go for the latest in tech and consumer electronics, this book shows you how to do all kinds of cool things with your Mac, like convert VHS movies into digital format, control your Mac with your voice, set up a PC-friendly Mac network, and more.

Inside, you'll find 24 self-contained projects, step-by-step instructions, a list of tools needed at the beginning of each project, and hundreds of clear photos and screenshots. With CNET Do-It-Yourself Mac Projects, you'll discover that your Mac has much more to offer than you ever imagined.

  • Set up videoconferencing via your webcam
  • Create a live radio broadcast, a podcast, or a vodcast
  • Connect to a Windows PC remotely
  • Send and receive SMS messages to and from cell phones
  • Turn your Mac into a jukebox and stream music wirelessly
  • Create a multimedia DVD
  • Convert any video content to iPod video format
  • And much more


Table of Contents

Part 1: Easy
Project 1: Turn Your Mac into a Fax Machine
Project 2: Turn Your Mac into a Jukebox
Project 3: Keep a Backup of Your Mac's Hard Drive with Disk Utility
Project 4: Stream Music Wirelessly Throughout Your Home
Project 5: Put Your Favorite Photo on a T-Shirt, Apron, or Quilting Square
Project 6: Fine-Tune Your Music Library
Project 7: Download Free, Fun, Useful, and Crazy Widgets to Personalize Your Mac
Project 8: Use Your Mac as an Information Portal with RSS Feeds and Downloadable E-Magazines
Project 9: Prepare Your Used Mac and Sell It on eBay
Part 2: Challenging
Project 10: Convert Your VHS Home Movies to Digital Format
Project 11: Use Your USB Webcam to Establish Video and Voice Communications with PC Users
Project 12: Transfer Data from Your Old PC to Your Mac
Project 13: Create Your Own Radio Broadcast
Project 14: Use Automator Actions to Perform Repetitive Tasks
Project 15: Control Your Mac with Your Voice
Project 16: Send and Receive SMS Messages to and from Cell Phones
Project 17: Connect to a Windows PC from Your Mac using Remote Desktop Connection Client Software
Project 18: Create a Movie with QuickTime Pro and E-mail It to Friends and Family
Project 19: Create Your Own Video Podcast
Project 20: Turn Your Mac or Mac Mini into a DVD Media Center
Project 21: Create a Slideshow of Your Favorite Photos and Burn It to DVD to Show on TV
Project 22: Make a Mac Network That Is Friendly to PCs
Project 23: Make a Copy of Your Kid's Favorite DVD Before They Destroy It
Project 24: Convert Digital Movies, Videos, and DVDs for Viewing on a Video iPod



發現你的 Mac 的隱藏魔力
最大化你的 Mac 的能力,這本易於遵循的指南中包含了有用且有趣的專案。這本書是與 合作製作的, 是你尋找最新科技和消費電子產品的地方,它向你展示如何在 Mac 上做各種酷炫的事情,例如將 VHS 電影轉換為數位格式、用聲音控制你的 Mac、建立一個與 PC 兼容的 Mac 網絡等等。

在這本書中,你將找到 24 個獨立的專案,逐步的指導,每個專案開始時列出所需工具的清單,以及數百張清晰的照片和截圖。通過《CNET 自己動手 Mac 專案》,你將發現你的 Mac 比你想像的更有用。


專案 1:將你的 Mac 變成傳真機
專案 2:將你的 Mac 變成點唱機
專案 3:使用磁碟工具備份你的 Mac 硬碟
專案 4:在家中無線串流音樂
專案 5:將你最喜歡的照片印在 T 恤、圍裙或拼布上
專案 6:微調你的音樂庫
專案 7:下載免費、有趣、有用和瘋狂的小工具來個性化你的 Mac
專案 8:使用 RSS 訂閱和可下載的電子雜誌將你的 Mac 變成資訊門戶
專案 9:準備你的二手 Mac,然後在 eBay 上出售

專案 10:將你的 VHS 家庭影片轉換為數位格式
專案 11:使用 USB 網路攝影機與 PC 用戶建立視訊和語音通訊
專案 12:從舊 PC 傳輸數據到你的 Mac
專案 13:創建你自己的廣播節目
專案 14:使用自動化動作執行重複的任務
專案 15:用你的聲音控制你的 Mac
專案 16:與手機互發短信
專案 17:使用遠程桌面連接客戶端從你的 Mac 連接到 Windows PC