Microelectronics Circuit Analysis and Design

Donald A Neamen



Microelectronics: Circuit Analysis and Design is intended as a core text in electronics for undergraduate electrical and computer engineering students. The fourth edition continues to provide a foundation for analyzing and designing both analog and digital electronic circuits. The goal has always been to make this book very readable and student friendly.

An accessible approach to learning through clear writing and practical pedagogy has become the hallmark of Microelectronics: Circuit Analysis and Design by Donald Neamen. Now in its fourth edition, the text builds upon its strong pedagogy and tools for student assessment with key updates as well as revisions that allow for flexible coverage of op-amps.


《微電子學:電路分析與設計》是為本科電氣和計算機工程學生而設的核心電子學教材。第四版繼續為分析和設計模擬和數字電子電路提供基礎。一直以來,我們的目標是使這本書易讀且友好。Donald Neamen的《微電子學:電路分析與設計》以其清晰的寫作和實用的教學方法成為其特點。現在的第四版在強大的教學法和學生評估工具的基礎上進行了重要更新和修訂,並提供了對運算放大器靈活覆蓋的選擇。