Relational Database Design and Implementation, 3/e: Clearly Explained (Paperback)

Jan L. Harrington




Fully revised, updated, and expanded, Relational Database Design and Implementation, Third Edition is the most lucid and effective introduction to the subject available for IT/IS professionals interested in honing their skills in database design, implementation, and administration. This book provides the conceptual and practical information necessary to develop a design and management scheme that ensures data accuracy and user satisfaction while optimizing performance, regardless of experience level or choice of DBMS.
The book begins by reviewing basic concepts of databases and database design, then briefly reviews the SQL one would use to create databases. Topics such as the relational data model, normalization, data entities and Codd's Rules (and why they are important) are covered clearly and concisely but without resorting to "Dummies"-style talking down to the reader.
Supporting the book's step-by-step instruction are three NEW case studies illustrating database planning, analysis, design, and management practices. In addition to these real-world examples, which include object-relational design techniques, an entirely NEW section consisting of three chapters is devoted to database implementation and management issues.

* Principles needed to understand the basis of good relational database design and implementation practices.
* Examples to illustrate core concepts for enhanced comprehension and to put the book's practical instruction to work.
* Methods for tailoring DB design to the environment in which the database will run and the uses to which it will be put.
* Design approaches that ensure data accuracy and consistency.
* Examples of how design can inhibit or boost database application performance.
* Object-relational design techniques, benefits, and examples.
* Instructions on how to choose and use a normalization technique.
* Guidelines for understanding and applying Codd's rules.
* Tools to implement a relational design using SQL.
* Techniques for using CASE tools for database design.





- 理解良好的關聯式資料庫設計和實作實踐的基本原則。
- 通過示例來說明核心概念,以增強理解並將書中的實用指導付諸實踐。
- 將資料庫設計根據運行環境和使用方式進行調整的方法。
- 確保數據準確性和一致性的設計方法。
- 示範設計如何阻礙或提升資料庫應用性能的例子。
- 介紹物件關聯式設計技術的好處和示例。
- 選擇和使用規範化技術的指南。
- 理解並應用Codd的規則的指南。
- 使用SQL實現關聯式設計的工具。
- 使用CASE工具進行資料庫設計的技巧。