PCI Compliance: Understand and Implement Effective PCI Data Security Standard Compliance 4th
暫譯: PCI 合規性:理解與實施有效的 PCI 數據安全標準合規性(第 4 版)

Williams, Branden R., Chuvakin, Anton


Identity theft and other confidential information theft have now topped the charts as the leading cybercrime. In particular, credit card data is preferred by cybercriminals. Is your payment processing secure and compliant? The new Fourth Edition of PCI Compliance has been revised to follow the new PCI DSS standard version 3.0, which is the official version beginning in January 2014. Also new to the Fourth Edition: additional case studies and clear guidelines and instructions for maintaining PCI compliance globally, including coverage of technologies such as NFC, P2PE, CNP/Mobile, and EMV. This is the first book to address the recent updates to PCI DSS. The real-world scenarios and hands-on guidance are also new approaches to this topic. All-new case studies and fraud studies have been added to the Fourth Edition.

Each chapter has how-to guidance to walk you through implementing concepts, and real-world scenarios to help you relate to the information and better grasp how it impacts your data. This book provides the information that you need in order to understand the current PCI Data Security standards and how to effectively implement security on network infrastructure in order to be compliant with the credit card industry guidelines, and help you protect sensitive and personally-identifiable information.


身份盜竊和其他機密信息盜竊現在已成為首要的網路犯罪。特別是,信用卡數據是網路罪犯的首選。您的支付處理是否安全且符合規範?新版的《PCI 合規性》第四版已根據新的 PCI DSS 標準版本 3.0 進行修訂,該版本自 2014 年 1 月起為官方版本。第四版的新內容包括:額外的案例研究以及針對全球維持 PCI 合規性的明確指導和說明,涵蓋 NFC、P2PE、CNP/行動支付和 EMV 等技術。這是第一本針對 PCI DSS 最近更新的書籍。真實世界的情境和實用指導也是這個主題的新方法。第四版新增了全新的案例研究和詐騙研究。

每一章都有操作指導,幫助您實施概念,並提供真實世界的情境,幫助您理解信息並更好地掌握其對您數據的影響。本書提供了您理解當前 PCI 數據安全標準所需的信息,以及如何有效地在網路基礎設施上實施安全措施,以符合信用卡行業的指導方針,並幫助您保護敏感和可識別的個人信息。