An Introduction to Design Patterns in C++ with Qt 4
Alan Ezust, Paul Ezust
- 出版商: Prentice Hall
- 出版日期: 2006-08-31
- 定價: $1,815
- 售價: 6.0 折 $1,089
- 語言: 英文
- 頁數: 656
- 裝訂: Paperback
- ISBN: 0131879057
- ISBN-13: 9780131879058
C++ 程式語言、Qt、Design Pattern
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Learn C++, Patterns, and Qt 4 Cross-Platform Development
Master C++ and design patterns together, using the world's leading open source framework for cross-platform development: Qt 4.
An Introduction to Design Patterns in C++ with Qt 4 is a complete tutorial and reference that assumes no previous knowledge of C, C++, objects, or patterns. You'll walk through every core concept, one step at a time, learning through an extensive collection of Qt 4.1-tested examples and exercises.
By the time you're done, you'll be creating multithreaded GUI applications that access databases and manipulate XML files--applications that run on platforms including Windows, Linux, Unix, and Mac OS X. Best of all, you'll be writing code that's efficient, reusable, and elegant.
- Learn objects fast: classes, inheritance, polymorphism, and more
- Master powerful design patterns
- Discover efficient high-level programming techniques using libraries, generics, and containers
- Build graphical applications using Qt widgets, models, and views
- Learn advanced techniques ranging from multithreading to reflective programming
- Use Qt's built-in classes for accessing MySQL data
- Includes a complete C++ language reference
Table of Contents
Preface xix
Acknowledgments xxiii
Rationale for the Book xxv
About the Authors xxvii
PART I: Introduction to C++ and Qt 4 2
Chapter 1: C++ Introduction 5
1.1 Overview of C++ 61.2 A Brief History of C++ 6
1.3 Setup: Open-Source Platforms 7
1.4 Setup: Win32 12
1.5 C++ First Example 12
1.6 Input and Output 16
1.7 Identifiers, Types, and Literals 19
1.8 C++ Simple Types 22
1.9 C++ Standard Library Strings 30
1.10 Streams 31
1.11 The Keyword const 34
1.12 Pointers and Memory Access 36
1.13 const* and *const 40
1.14 Reference Variables 43
Points of Departure 44
Review Questions 45
Chapter 2: Classes 47
2.1 Structs 482.2 Class Definitions 49
2.3 Member Access Specifiers 51
2.4 Encapsulation 54
2.5 Introduction to UML 54
2.5.1 UML Relationships 55
2.6 Friends of a Class 55
2.7 Constructors 56
2.8 Subobjects 58
2.9 Destructors 60
2.10 The Keyword static 61
2.11 Copy Constructors and Assignment Operators 64
2.12 Conversions 67
2.13 const Member Functions 68
Review Questions 79
Chapter 3: Introduction to Qt 81
3.1 Example Project: Using QApplication and QLabel 823.2 Makefile, qmake, and Project Files 83
3.3 Getting Help Online 89
3.4 Style Guidelines and Naming Conventions 90
3.5 The Qt Core Module 91
3.6 Streams and Dates 91
Points of Departure 93
Review Questions 94
Chapter 4: Lists 95
4.1 Introduction to Containers 964.2 Iterators 97
4.3 Relationships 99
Points of Departure 102
Review Questions 103
Chapter 5: Functions 105
5.1 Function Declarations 1065.2 Overloading Functions 107
5.3 Optional Arguments 109
5.4 Operator Overloading 111
5.5 Parameter Passing by Value 116
5.6 Parameter Passing by Reference 118
5.7 References to const 121
5.8 Function Return Values 122
5.9 Returning References from Functions 122
5.10 Overloading on const-ness 124
5.11 Inline Functions 126
5.12 Inlining versus Macro Expansion 127
Review Questions 133
Chapter 6: Inheritance and Polymorphism 135
6.1 Simple Derivation 1366.2 Derivation with Polymorphism 142
6.3 Derivation from an Abstract Base Class 148
6.4 Inheritance Design 152
6.5 Overloading, Hiding, and Overriding 154
6.6 Constructors, Destructors, and Copy Assignment Operators 155
6.7 Processing Command-Line Arguments 158
Points of Departure 164
Review Questions 165
PART II: Higher-Level Programming 166
Chapter 7: Libraries 169
7.1 Code Containers 1707.2 Reusing Other Libraries 171
7.3 Organizing Libraries: Dependency Management 173
7.4 Installing Libraries: A Lab Exercise 176
7.5 Frameworks and Components 178
Review Questions 180
Chapter 8: Introduction to Design Patterns 181
8.1 Iteration and the Visitor Pattern 182Review Questions 190
Chapter 9: QObject 191
9.1 QObject's Child Managment 1949.2 Composite Pattern: Parents and Children 196
9.3 QApplication and the Event Loop 200
9.4 Q_OBJECT and moc: A Checklist 209
9.5 Values and Objects 210
9.6 tr() and Internationalization 211
Point of Departure 211
Review Questions 212
Chapter 10: Generics and Containers 213
10.1 Generics and Templates 21410.2 Containers 219
10.3 Managed Containers, Composites, and Aggregates 221
10.4 Implicitly Shared Classes 224
10.5 Generics, Algorithms, and Operators 225
10.6 Serializer Pattern 227
10.7 Sorted Map Example 229
Review Questions 235
Chapter 11: Qt GUI Widgets 237
11.1 Widget Categories 23911.2 QMainWindow and QSettings 240
11.3 Dialogs 244
11.4 Images and Resources 248
11.5 Layout of Widgets 251
11.6 QActions, QMenus, and QMenuBars 260
11.7 QActions, QToolbars, and QActionGroups 262
11.8 Regions and QDockWidgets 270
11.9 Views of a QStringList 272
Points of Departure 274
Review Questions 275
Chapter 12: Concurrency 277
12.1 QProcess and Process Control 27812.2 Threads and QThread 290
12.3 Summary: QProcess and QThread 303
Review Questions 305
Chapter 13: Validation and Regular Expressions 307
13.1 Validators 30813.2 Regular Expressions 310
13.3 Regular Expression Validation 316
Review Questions 319
Chapter 14: Parsing XML 321
14.1 The Qt XML Module 32514.2 Event-Driven Parsing 325
14.3 XML, Tree Structures, and DOM 329
Review Questions 340
Chapter 15: Meta Objects, Properties, and Reflective Programming 341
15.1 Anti-patterns 34215.2 QMetaObject: The MetaObject Pattern 344
15.3 Type Identification and qobject_cast 345
15.4 Q_PROPERTY Macro: Describing QObject Properties 347
15.5 QVariant Class: Accessing Properties 350
15.6 DataObject: An Extension of QObject 353
15.7 Property Containers: PropsMap 355
Review Questions 357
Chapter 16: More Design Patterns 359
16.1 Creational Patterns 36016.2 Serializer Pattern Revisited 373
16.3 The Facade Pattern 381
Points of Departure 389
Review Questions 390
Chapter 17: Models and Views 391
17.1 M-V-C: What about the Controller? 39217.2 Dynamic Form Models 393
17.3 Qt 4 Models and Views 409
17.4 Table Models 411
17.5 Tree Models 417
Review Questions 421
Chapter 18: Qt SQL Classes 423
18.1 Introduction to MySQL 42418.2 Queries and Result Sets 427
18.3 Database Models 429
Review Questions 433
PART III: C++ Language Reference 434
Chapter 19: Types and Expressions 437
19.1 Operators 43819.2 Evaluation of Logical Expressions 443
19.3 Enumerations 443
19.4 Signed and Unsigned Integral Types 445
19.5 Standard Expression Conversions 447
19.6 Explicit Conversions 449
19.7 Safer Typecasting Using ANSI C++ Typecasts 450
19.8 Run-Time Type Identification (RTTI) 454
19.9 Member Selection Operators 457
Point of Departure 458
Review Questions 461
Chapter 20: Scope and Storage Class 463
20.1 Declarations and Definitions 46420.2 Identifier Scope 465
20.3 Storage Class 470
20.4 Namespaces 473
Review Questions 478
Chapter 21: Statements and Control Structures 479
21.1 Statements 48021.2 Selection Statements 480
21.3 Iteration 483
21.4 Exceptions 485
Review Questions 502
Chapter 22: Memory Access 503
22.1 Pointer Pathology 50422.2 Further Pointer Pathology with Heap Memory 506
22.3 Memory Access Summary 509
22.4 Introduction to Arrays 509
22.5 Pointer Arithmetic 510
22.6 Arrays, Functions, and Return Values 511
22.7 Different Kinds of Arrays 513
22.8 Valid Pointer Operations 513
22.9 What Happens If new Fails? 515
22.10 Chapter Summary 519
Review Questions 521
Chapter 23: Inheritance in Detail 523
23.1 Virtual Pointers and Virtual Tables 52423.2 Polymorphism and virtual Destructors 526
23.3 Multiple Inheritance 528
Point of Departure 532
23.4 public, protected, and private Derivation 536
Review Questions 539
Chapter 24: Miscellaneous Topics 541
24.1 Functions with Variable-Length Argument Lists 54224.2 Resource Sharing 543
PART IV: Programming Assignments 548
Chapter 25: MP3 Jukebox Assignments 551
25.1 Data Model: Mp3File 55325.2 Visitor: Generating Playlists 555
25.3 Preference: An Enumerated Type 556
25.4 Reusing id3lib 559
25.5 PlayListModel Serialization 560
25.6 Testing Mp3File Related Classes 561
25.7 Simple Queries and Filters 561
25.8 Mp3PlayerView 563
25.9 Models and Views: PlayList 565
25.10 Source Selector 566
25.11 Persistent Settings 567
25.12 Edit Form View for FileTagger 568
25.13 Database View 569
Points of Departure 571
PART V: Appendices 572
Appendix A: C++ Reserved Keywords 575
Appendix B: Standard Headers 577
Appendix C: The Development Environment 579
Bibliography 601
Index 603
學習 C++、設計模式和 Qt 4 跨平台開發
使用全球領先的開源框架 Qt 4,一起掌握 C++ 和設計模式。
使用 Qt 4 的 C++ 設計模式介紹 是一本完整的教程和參考書,假設讀者對 C、C++、物件或設計模式沒有任何先備知識。你將逐步學習每個核心概念,通過大量的 Qt 4.1 測試過的例子和練習來學習。
在完成學習後,你將能夠創建多線程的 GUI 應用程序,訪問數據庫並操作 XML 文件,這些應用程序可以在包括 Windows、Linux、Unix 和 Mac OS X 在內的各種平台上運行。最重要的是,你將寫出高效、可重用和優雅的代碼。
- 快速學習物件:類、繼承、多態等
- 掌握強大的設計模式
- 使用庫、泛型和容器等高級編程技術
- 使用 Qt 的小部件、模型和視圖構建圖形應用程序
- 學習從多線程到反射編程等高級技術
- 使用 Qt 內置的類來訪問 MySQL 數據
- 包含完整的 C++ 語言參考
前言 xix
致謝 xxiii
本書的理念 xxv
關於作者 xxvii
第一部分:C++ 和 Qt 4 簡介 2
第一章:C++ 簡介 5
1.1 C++ 概述 6
1.2 C++ 的簡要歷史 6
1.3 環境設置:開源平台 7
1.4 環境設置:Win32 12
1.5 C++ 第一個例子 12
1.6 輸入和輸出 16
1.7 識別符、類型和字面值 19
1.8 C++ 簡單類型 22
1.9 C++ 標準庫字符串 30
1.10 流 31
1.11 關鍵字 const 34
1.12 指針和內存訪問 36
1.13 const* 和 *const 40
1.14 引用變量 43
分歧點 44
復習問題 45
第二章:類 47
2.1 結構體 48
2.2 類定義 49
2.3 成員訪問限定符 51
2.4 封裝 54
2.5 UML 簡介 54
2.5.1 UML 關係 55
2.6 類的友元 55
2.7 構造函數 56
2.8 子對象 58
2.9 解構函數 60
2.10 關鍵字 static 61
2.11 複製構造函數 a```