Nanotechnology: Science, Innovation, and Opportunity

Lynn E. Foster




Table of Contents

Foreword, Senators Joseph Lieberman and George Allen   xi
Preface   xii
Acknowledgments   xvii
About the Author   xix
Contributors   xxi
Section One: Development Drivers   1
Chapter 1: Lessons in Innovation and Commercialization from the Biotechnology Revolution, Gerald Gallwas      3
Chapter 2: Nanotechnology and Our Energy Challenge, Richard Smalley      13
Chapter 3: Fads and Hype in Technology: The Sargasso Sea of "Some Day Soon," Peter Coffee   19
Section Two: The Players   31
Chapter 4: Nanotechnology Commercialization: Transcending Moore's Law with Molecular Electronics and Nanotechnology, Steve Jurvetson   33
Chapter 5: Investment in Nanotechnology, Daniel V. Leff and R. Douglas Moffat   57
Chapter 6: The Role of the U.S. Government in Nanoscale Science and Technology, Geoffrey M. Holdridge   63
Chapter 7: Overview of U.S. Academic Research, Julie Chen   77
Chapter 8: Understanding University Technology Transfer for Nanotechnology, Larry Gilbert and Michael Krieger   91
Chapter 9: Intellectual Property Policy and Impact, Chinh H. Pham and Charles Berman   105
Chapter 10: Entrepreneurs in the Technological Ecosystem, Jeff Lawrence and Larry Bock   117
Chapter 11: Major Corporations: Technology, Business, and the Culture of Opportunity, Jim Duncan   129
Chapter 12: Nanotechnology in Federal Labs, Meyya Meyyappan   135
Section Three: Materials and Industries   139
Chapter 13: Nanoscale Materials, Mark Reed, Sheryl Ehrman, Brent Segal, Zhong Lin Wang, and Fiona Case   141
Chapter 14: Nanotechnology-Enabled Sensors: Possibilities, Realities, and Diverse Applications, David J. Nagel and Sharon Smith   163
Chapter 15: Microelectronics, George Thompson, Stephen Goodnick, and Axel Scherer   177
Chapter 16: Drug Delivery, Jianjun Cheng and Suzie Hwang Pun   197
Chapter 17: Bio-Nano-Information Fusion, Chih-Ming Ho, Dean Ho, and Dan Garcia   209
Section Four: Convergence and Integration   223
Chapter 18: Convergence and Integration, Mihail C. Roco    225
Chapter 19: Ethical Considerations in the Advance of Nanotechnology, William Sims Bainbridge   233
Epilogue   243
Foreword to Chapter 20, Michael Kreiger   243
Chapter 20: Infinitesimal Machinery, Richard Feynman   247
Acronyms and Abbreviations   269
Index   273