Starting Out with Visual Basic
暫譯: Visual Basic 入門指南
Gaddis, Tony, Irvine, Kip R.
- 出版商: Pearson FT Press
- 出版日期: 2019-03-25
- 售價: $7,290
- 貴賓價: 9.5 折 $6,926
- 語言: 英文
- 頁數: 936
- 裝訂: Quality Paper - also called trade paper
- ISBN: 0135204658
- ISBN-13: 9780135204658
Visual Basic
Visual Basic fundamentals Rich in concise, practical examples, Starting Out With Visual Basic covers the tools and features of Visual Basic, and when and how to use them. The authors introduce the fundamentals of Visual Basic in clear, easy-to-understand language, making it accessible to novice programming students. Students not only learn how to use the various controls, constructs, and features of Visual Basic, but also why and when to use them. The 8th Edition includes updates for compatibility with Visual Studio 2017.
Also available with MyLab Programming By combining trusted author content with digital tools and a flexible platform, MyLab or Mastering] personalizes the learning experience and improves results for each student. With MyLab Programming, students work through hundreds of short, auto-graded coding exercises and receive immediate and helpful feedback based on their work.
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適用於 Visual Basic 程式設計課程
Visual Basic 基礎 本書《Starting Out With Visual Basic》提供了豐富的簡潔實用範例,涵蓋了 Visual Basic 的工具和功能,以及何時和如何使用它們。作者以清晰易懂的語言介紹 Visual Basic 的基本概念,使初學程式設計的學生能夠輕鬆理解。學生不僅學會如何使用 Visual Basic 的各種控制項、結構和功能,還能了解為什麼以及何時使用它們。本書的第8版包含了與 Visual Studio 2017 兼容的更新。
也可搭配 MyLab Programming 使用 通過將受信賴的作者內容與數位工具和靈活的平台結合,MyLab 或 Mastering] 個性化學習體驗並改善每位學生的學習成果。使用 MyLab Programming,學生可以完成數百個短小的自動評分程式碼練習,並根據他們的作業獲得即時且有幫助的反饋。
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Kip Irvine holds MS (computer science) and DMA (music composition) degrees from the University of Miami. He was formerly on the faculty at Miami-Dade Community College, and is presently a member of the School of Computing and Information Sciences at Florida International University. His published textbooks include COBOL for the IBM Personal Computer, Assembly Language for Intel-Based Computers, C++ and Object-Oriented Programming, and Advanced Visual Basic .NET.
Tony Gaddis 是 Starting Out With 系列教科書的主要作者。Tony 擁有近二十年的計算機科學課程教學經驗,主要在 Haywood Community College 任教。他是一位備受推崇的講師,曾被選為北卡羅來納州社區大學的「年度教師」,並獲得全國員工與組織發展研究所的教學卓越獎。Starting Out With 系列包括涵蓋 C++、Java(TM)、Microsoft(R) Visual Basic(R)、Microsoft(R) C#(R)、Python(R)、程式設計邏輯與設計、Alice 和 App Inventor 的入門書籍,均由 Pearson 出版。
Kip Irvine 擁有邁阿密大學的計算機科學碩士學位 (MS) 和音樂作曲博士學位 (DMA)。他曾在邁阿密-戴德社區學院任教,目前是佛羅里達國際大學計算與資訊科學學院的成員。他出版的教科書包括《COBOL for the IBM Personal Computer》、《Assembly Language for Intel-Based Computers》、《C++ and Object-Oriented Programming》以及《Advanced Visual Basic .NET》。