JavaScript for Programmers (Paperback)

Paul J. Deitel, Harvey M. Deitel

  • 出版商: Prentice Hall
  • 出版日期: 2009-03-01
  • 售價: $1,810
  • 貴賓價: 9.5$1,720
  • 語言: 英文
  • 頁數: 448
  • 裝訂: Paperback
  • ISBN: 0137001312
  • ISBN-13: 9780137001316
  • 相關分類: JavaScript
  • 海外代購書籍(需單獨結帳)



  • XHTML®
  • CSS®
  • JavaScript™: Control Statements,
  • Functions, Arrays, Objects
  • JSON (JavaScript Object Notation)
  • XHTML DOM®: Objects and Collections
  • JavaScript Event-Driven Programming
  • XML® and RSS
  • Rich Internet Applications
  • Asynchronous JavaScript and XML (Ajax)
  • XMLHttpRequest
  • Dojo Toolkit
  • Consuming Web Services
  • And more…


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The practicing programmer’s Deitel® guide to XHTML®, CSS®, JavaScript, XML® and Ajax RIA development.


This book applies the Deitel signature live-code approach to teaching the client side of Rich Internet Applications (RIA) development. The book presents concepts in the context of 100+ fully tested programs (6,000+ lines of code), complete with syntax shading, detailed descriptions and sample outputs. The book features over 150 tips that will help you build robust client-side web applications.


Start with an introduction to Extensible HyperText Markup Language (XHTML®) and Cascading Style Sheets (CSS®), then rapidly move on to the details of JavaScript™ programming. Finish with more advanced client-side development technologies including XHTML’s Document Object Model (DOM®), Extensible Markup Language (XML®), XML’s DOM, JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) and Asynchronous JavaScript and XML (Ajax). When you’re finished, you’ll have everything you need to build the client side of Web 2.0 Rich Internet Applications (RIAs). The book culminates with several substantial Ajax-enabled RIAs, including a book cover viewer (JavaScript/DOM), an address book (Ajax/consuming web services) and a calendar application (Ajax/Dojo/consuming web services).


TheDeitel® Developer Seriesis designed for professional programmers. The series presents focused treatments of emerging technologies, including .NET, Java™, web services, Internet and web development and more.          


Pre-Publication Reviewer Testimonials


“One of the best introductions to JavaScript.”—Raymond Wisman, Indiana University Southeast


“Cements the browser as a first-class development platform.”—Johnvey Hwang, Splunk, Inc.


“Excellent for learning to develop standards-compliant web applications.”—Paul Vencill, MITRE, Inc.


“The CSS chapter is compact, concise and full of useful info!”—Billy B. L. Lim, Illinois State University


“A good introduction to the DOM; doesn’t trip over cross-browser incompatibilities.”—Eric Lawrence, Microsoft


“Exceptionally clear Ajax tutorial; best I’ve reviewed! Great solutions for the very cool type-ahead and edit-in-place Ajax features. ‘Libraries to Help Eliminate Cross-Browser Compatibility Issues’ is fantastic. This book and your websites will be often-visited resources (if not best practices in themselves).”—John Peterson, Insync and V.I.O. Inc.


“I wish I’d had this when I was learning to program.”—Joe Kromer, New Perspective




  • XHTML®

  • CSS®

  • JavaScript™:控制語句、函數、陣列、物件

  • JSON(JavaScript物件表示法)

  • XHTML DOM®:物件和集合

  • JavaScript事件驅動程式設計

  • XML®和RSS


  • 豐富的網際網路應用程式

  • 非同步JavaScript和XML(Ajax)

  • XMLHttpRequest

  • Dojo Toolkit

  • 使用網路服務

  • 以及更多...


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  • 聯繫deitel@deitel.com以獲取有關全球現場企業培訓課程的資訊


這本書是Deitel®系列的實踐程式設計師指南,涵蓋XHTML®、CSS®、JavaScript、XML®和Ajax RIA開發。




從介紹可擴展超文本標記語言(XHTML®)和層疊樣式表(CSS®)開始,然後迅速轉向JavaScript™程式設計的細節。最後,深入研究更高級的客戶端開發技術,包括XHTML的文件物件模型(DOM®)、可擴展標記語言(XML®)、XML的DOM、JavaScript物件表示法(JSON)和非同步JavaScript和XML(Ajax)。完成後,您將擁有構建Web 2.0豐富網頁應用程式(RIA)所需的一切。本書以幾個重要的啟用Ajax的RIA作為結尾,包括書籍封面查看器(JavaScript/DOM)、通訊錄(Ajax/使用網路服務)和日曆應用程式(Ajax/Dojo/使用網路服務)。






“最好的JavaScript入門之一。”—Raymond Wisman, Indiana University Southeast