Core Java, Volume II--Advanced Features, 9/e (Paperback)

Cay S. Horstmann, Gary Cornell




Fully updated to reflect Java SE 7 language changes, Core Java®, Volume II—Advanced Features, Ninth Edition, is the definitive guide to Java’s most powerful features for enterprise and desktop application development.


Designed for serious programmers, this reliable, unbiased, no-nonsense tutorial illuminates advanced Java language and library features with thoroughly tested code examples. As in previous editions, all code is easy to understand and displays modern best-practice solutions to the realworld challenges faced by professional developers.


Volume II quickly brings you up-to-speed on key Java SE 7 enhancements, ranging from the new file I/O API to improved concurrency utilities. All code examples are updated to reflect these enhancements. Complete descriptions of new language and platform features are highlighted and integrated with insightful explanations of advanced Java programming techniques. You’ll learn all you need to build robust production software with 

  • Streams, files, and regular expressions
  • XML
  • Networking
  • Database programming facilities
  • JNDI/LDAP directory integration
  • Internationalization
  • Advanced Swing techniques
  • JavaBeans components
  • Web services
  • Advanced platform security features
  • Annotations
  • Distributed objects
  • Native methods, and more 

For detailed coverage of fundamental Java SE 7 features, including objects, classes, inheritance, interfaces, reflection, events, exceptions, graphics, Swing, generics, collections, concurrency, and debugging, look for Core Java™, Volume I—Fundamentals, Ninth Edition (ISBN-13: 978-0-13-708189-9).


完全更新以反映Java SE 7語言變更,《Core Java®,第二卷-高級特性,第九版》是Java最強大的企業和桌面應用程序開發功能的權威指南。


第二卷迅速帶您了解關鍵的Java SE 7增強功能,從新的文件I/O API到改進的並發工具。所有代碼示例都已更新以反映這些增強功能。新語言和平台功能的完整描述突出顯示並與高級Java編程技巧的深入解釋相結合。您將學到構建強大生產軟件所需的一切,包括:

- 流、文件和正則表達式
- 網絡
- 數據庫編程設施
- 國際化
- 高級Swing技術
- JavaBeans組件
- Web服務
- 高級平台安全功能
- 注解
- 分佈式對象
- 本地方法等

如需詳細介紹Java SE 7的基本功能,包括對象、類、繼承、接口、反射、事件、異常、圖形、Swing、泛型、集合、並發和調試,請查閱《Core Java®,第一卷-基礎,第九版》(ISBN-13: 978-0-13-708189-9)。