Digital Media and Democracy: Tactics in Hard Times (Hardcover)
暫譯: 數位媒體與民主:艱難時期的策略 (精裝版)

Megan Boler


In an age of proliferating media and news sources, who has the power to define reality? When the dominant media declared the existence of WMDs in Iraq, did that make it a fact? Today, the "social web" (sometimes known as Web 2.0, groupware, or the participatory Web)—epitomized by blogs, viral videos, and YouTube—creates new pathways for truths to emerge and makes possible new tactics for media activism. In Digital Media and Democracy, leading scholars in media and communication studies, media activists, journalists, and artists explore the contradiction at the heart of the relationship between truth and power today: the fact that the radical democratization of knowledge and multiplication of sources and voices made possible by digital media coexists with the blatant falsification of information by political and corporate powers.

The book maps a new digital media landscape that features citizen journalism, The Daily Show, blogging, and alternative media. The contributors discuss broad questions of media and politics, offer nuanced analyses of change in journalism, and undertake detailed examinations of the use of Web-based media in shaping political and social movements. The chapters include not only essays by noted media scholars but also interviews with such journalists and media activists as Amy Goodman of Democracy Now!, Media Matters host Robert McChesney, and Hassan Ibrahim of Al Jazeera.

Contributors and Interviewees:
Shaina Anand, Chris Atton, Megan Boler, Axel Bruns, Jodi Dean, Ron J. Deibert, Deepa Fernandes, Amy Goodman, Brian Holmes, Hassan Ibrahim, Geert Lovink, Nathalie Magnan, Robert McChesney, Graham Meikle, Susan D. Moeller, Alessandra Renzi, Ricardo Rosas, Andréa Schmidt, Trebor Scholz, D. Travers Scott, R. Sophie Statzel, Stephen Turpin.


在媒體和新聞來源日益增多的時代,誰有權定義現實?當主流媒體宣稱伊拉克存在大規模殺傷性武器(WMD)時,這是否就成為事實?今天,所謂的「社交網絡」(有時稱為 Web 2.0、群件或參與式網絡)——以部落格、病毒視頻和 YouTube 為代表——為真相的出現創造了新的途徑,並使媒體行動主義的新戰術成為可能。在《數位媒體與民主》中,媒體與傳播研究的領先學者、媒體行動者、記者和藝術家探討了當今真相與權力之間關係的核心矛盾:數位媒體所促成的知識的激進民主化以及來源和聲音的多樣化,與政治和企業權力公然篡改信息的現象並存。

本書描繪了一個新的數位媒體景觀,特徵包括公民新聞、《每日秀》、部落格和替代媒體。貢獻者討論了媒體與政治的廣泛問題,提供了對新聞業變革的細緻分析,並對基於網絡的媒體在塑造政治和社會運動中的使用進行了詳細檢視。各章節不僅包括知名媒體學者的文章,還有對如《民主現在!》的艾米·古德曼(Amy Goodman)、《媒體事務》主持人羅伯特·麥克切斯尼(Robert McChesney)和半島電視台的哈桑·易卜拉欣(Hassan Ibrahim)等記者和媒體行動者的訪談。

Shaina Anand、Chris Atton、Megan Boler、Axel Bruns、Jodi Dean、Ron J. Deibert、Deepa Fernandes、Amy Goodman、Brian Holmes、Hassan Ibrahim、Geert Lovink、Nathalie Magnan、Robert McChesney、Graham Meikle、Susan D. Moeller、Alessandra Renzi、Ricardo Rosas、Andréa Schmidt、Trebor Scholz、D. Travers Scott、R. Sophie Statzel、Stephen Turpin。