Teaching Computational Thinking: An Integrative Approach for Middle and High School Learning
暫譯: 教學計算思維:中學與高中整合性學習方法

Neumann, Maureen D., Dion, Lisa, Snapp, Robert

  • 出版商: Summit Valley Press
  • 出版日期: 2021-12-21
  • 售價: $1,970
  • 貴賓價: 9.5$1,872
  • 語言: 英文
  • 頁數: 200
  • 裝訂: Quality Paper - also called trade paper
  • ISBN: 0262045052
  • ISBN-13: 9780262045056
  • 海外代購書籍(需單獨結帳)


A guide for educators to incorporate computational thinking--a set of cognitive skills applied to problem solving--into a broad range of subjects.

Computational thinking--a set of mental and cognitive tools applied to problem solving--is a fundamental skill that all of us (and not just computer scientists) draw on. Educators have found that computational thinking enhances learning across a range of subjects and reinforces students' abilities in reading, writing, and arithmetic. This book offers a guide for incorporating computational thinking into middle school and high school classrooms, presenting a series of activities, projects, and tasks that employ a range of pedagogical practices and cross a variety of content areas.

As students problem solve, communicate, persevere, work as a team, and learn from mistakes, they develop a concrete understanding of the abstract principles used in computer science to create code and other digital artifacts. The book guides students and teachers to integrate computer programming with visual art and geometry, generating abstract expressionist-style images; construct topological graphs that represent the relationships between characters in such literary works as Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone and Romeo and Juliet; apply Newtonian physics to the creation of computer games; and locate, analyze, and present empirical data relevant to social and political issues. Finally, the book lists a variety of classroom resources, including the programming languages Scratch (free to all) and Codesters (free to teachers). An accompanying website contains the executable programs used in the book's activities.




當學生解決問題、溝通、堅持、團隊合作並從錯誤中學習時,他們對計算機科學中用於創建代碼和其他數位作品的抽象原則有了具體的理解。本書指導學生和教師將計算機程式設計與視覺藝術和幾何學結合,生成抽象表現主義風格的圖像;構建拓撲圖,表示《哈利·波特與魔法石》和《羅密歐與茱麗葉》等文學作品中角色之間的關係;將牛頓物理學應用於電腦遊戲的創作;以及定位、分析和呈現與社會和政治問題相關的實證數據。最後,本書列出了各種課堂資源,包括編程語言 Scratch(對所有人免費)和 Codesters(對教師免費)。隨書附帶的網站包含書中活動所用的可執行程式。


Maureen Neumann is Professor in the College of Education and Social Services at the University of Vermont. Lisa Dion is Lecturer in the Department of Computer Science at the University of Vermont. Robert Snapp is Senior Software Engineer at Google.


莫琳·紐曼(Maureen Neumann)是佛蒙特大學教育與社會服務學院的教授。莉莎·迪翁(Lisa Dion)是佛蒙特大學計算機科學系的講師。羅伯特·斯納普(Robert Snapp)是谷歌(Google)的高級軟體工程師。