Social Capital and Information Technology
暫譯: 社會資本與資訊科技

Marleen Huysman, Volker Wulf




The concept of social capital, or the value that can be derived from social ties created by goodwill, mutual support, shared language, common beliefs, and a sense of mutual obligation, has been applied to a number of fields, from sociology to management. It is only lately, however, that researchers in information technology and knowledge management have begun to explore the idea of social capital in relation to their fields. This collection of thirteen essays by computer scientists, sociologists, communication specialists, economists, and others presents a multidisciplinary look at this particular intersection of information technology and social science and the need to adopt a sociotechnical perspective.

For the most part the contributors take a positive view of the interplay of social capital, knowledge sharing, and community building. Some essays look at specific instances, including the on-line and face-to-face relationships of a community of athletes, the building of social capital among Iranian NGOs, and the Internet-based communities created by the open-source movement, while others discuss more general ideas of civic and personal communities. The last four essays examine computer applications that augment social capital, including topic- and member-centered communications spaces such as the Expert Finder and the Loops system and virtual repositories of knowledge such as the Answer Garden and Pearls of Wisdom.

Marleen Huysman is Associate Professor in the Department of Information Systems, Marketing and Logistics, Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, Vrije Unversiteit Amsterdam.

Volker Wulf is Associate Professor at the University of Siegen, Senior Researcher at the Fraunhofer Institute for Applied Information Technology, and Head of the International Institute for Socio-Informatics, Bonn.



Table of Contents:

Preface vii
1 Social Capital and Information Technology: Current Debates and Research
Marleen Huysman and Volker Wulf
I Social Capital in Civic Engagement 17
2 Trust, Acceptance, and Alignment: The Role of IT in Redirecting a Community
Anna-Liisa Syrjänen and Kari Kuutti
3 The Effects of Dispersed Virtual Communities on Face-to-Face Social Capital
Anita Blanchard
4 Find What Binds: Building Social Capital in an Iranian NGO Community System
Markus Rohde
5 How Does the Internet Affect Social Capital?
Anabel Quan-Haase and Barry Wellman
II Social Capital in Knowledge Sharing 133
6 The Ties That Share: Relational Characteristics That Facilitate Information Seeking
Rob Cross and Stephen P. Borgatti
7 Exploring the Eagerness to Share Knowledge: The Role of Social Capital and ICT in Knowledge Sharing
Bart van den Hooff, Jan de Ridder and Eline Aukema
8 Design Requirements for Knowledge-Sharing Tools: A Need for Social Capital Analysis
Marleen Huysman
9 Explaining the Underutilization of Business-to-Business E-Commerce in Geographically Defined Business Clusters: The Role of Social Capital
Charles Steinfeld
10 The Impact of Social Capital on Project-Based Learning
Mike Bresnan, Linda Edelman, Sue Newell, Harry Scarbrough and Jacky Swan
III Applications of IT 269
11 Sharing Expertise: The Next Step for Knowledge Management
Mark Ackerman and Christine Halverson
12 Pearls of Wisdom: Social Capital Building in Informal Learning Environments
Robbin Chapman
13 Expertise Finding: Approaches to Foster Social Capital
Andreas Becks, Tim Reichling and Volker Wulf
14 Fostering Social Creativity by Increasing Social Capital
Gerhard Fischer, Eric Scharff and Yunwen Ye
Contributors 401
Index 403



大多數貢獻者對社會資本、知識分享和社群建設的相互作用持正面看法。一些論文探討了具體案例,包括運動員社群的線上和面對面關係、伊朗非政府組織之間的社會資本建設,以及開源運動所創造的基於網際網路的社群,而其他論文則討論了更一般的公民和個人社群的概念。最後四篇論文檢視了增強社會資本的計算機應用,包括以主題和成員為中心的通訊空間,如Expert Finder和Loops系統,以及知識的虛擬儲存庫,如Answer Garden和Pearls of Wisdom。

Marleen Huysman是阿姆斯特丹自由大學經濟與商業管理學院資訊系、行銷與物流系的副教授。

Volker Wulf是西根大學的副教授,應用資訊技術弗勞恩霍夫研究所的高級研究員,以及波恩國際社會資訊學研究所的負責人。

1. 社會資本與資訊科技:當前的辯論與研究
Marleen Huysman 和 Volker Wulf
2. 信任、接受與對齊:資訊科技在重塑社群中的角色
Anna-Liisa Syrjänen 和 Kari Kuutti
3. 分散虛擬社群對面對面社會資本的影響
Anita Blanchard
4. 找到聯繫:在伊朗非政府組織社群系統中建立社會資本
Markus Rohde
5. 網際網路如何影響社會資本?
Anabel Quan-Haase 和 Barry Wellman
6. 共享的聯繫:促進資訊尋求的關係特徵
Rob Cross 和 Stephen P. Borgatti
7. 探索分享知識的熱情:社會資本和資訊通信技術在知識分享中的角色
Bart van den Hooff、Jan de Ridder 和 Eline Aukema
8. 知識分享工具的設計需求:對社會資本分析的需求
Marleen Huysman
9. 解釋地理定義商業集群中商業對商業電子商務的低利用率:社會資本的角色
Charles Steinfeld
10. 社會資本對基於項目的學習的影響
Mike Bresnan、Linda Edelman、Sue Newell、Harry Scarbrough 和 Jacky Swan
11. 分享專業知識:知識管理的下一步
Mark Ackerman 和 Christine Halverson
12. 智慧之珠:在非正式學習環境中建立社會資本
Robbin Chapman
13. 專業知識尋找:促進社會資本的方法
Andreas Becks、Tim Reichling 和 Volker Wulf
14. 通過增加社會資本來促進社會創造力
Gerhard Fischer、Eric Scharff 和 Yunwen Ye