The Java Tutorial: A Short Course on the Basics, 4/e (Paperback)
暫譯: Java 教程:基礎短課程,第 4 版 (平裝本)

Sharon Biocca Zakhour, Scott Hommel, Jacob Royal, Isaac Rabinovitch, Tom Risser, Mark Hoeber





A hands-on guide to the Java programming language, The Java™ Tutorial, Fourth Edition is perfect for any developer looking for a proven path to proficiency with Java SE. This popular tutorial "from the Source" has been completely revised and updated to cover Version 6 of the Java Platform, Standard Edition.

Written by members of the Java Software team at Sun Microsystems, this book uses a tested, interactive approach and features real-world problems that help you learn the Java platform by example.

New to this edition are chapters on generics, collections, Java Web Start, the platform environment, and regular expressions. Key sections, including the Threads, I/O, Object-Oriented Programming Concepts, and Language Basics chapters have been completely rewritten to reflect reader feedback and to cover new features added to the Java SE 6 platform. A new appendix contains information on how to prepare for the Java Programming Language Certification exam.

As with the previous editions, you will find clear explanations of the fundamentals of objects, classes, and data structures, as well as detailed coverage of exceptions, I/O, and threads. All of the popular features that made this book a classic have been retained, including convenient summaries at the end of each section and Questions and Exercises segments to help you practice what you learn.

The accompanying CD-ROM is filled with valuable resources including the latest Java SE software (the JRE, JDK, Java API spec, and the guide documentation), the code samples from this book, and solutions to the questions and exercises.

The Java™ Series is supported, endorsed, and authored by the creators of the Java technology at Sun Microsystems, Inc. It is the official place to go for complete, expert, and definitive information on Java technology. The books in this series provide the inside information you need to build effective, robust, and portable applications and applets. The Series is an indispensable resource for anyone targeting the Java™ platform.




Table of Contents

Foreword     xix
Preface     xxi

Chapter 1: Getting Started      1

1.1    The Java Technology Phenomenon      1
1.2    The "Hello World!" Application      6
1.3    A Closer Look at the "Hello World!" Application      24
1.4    Common Problems (and Their Solutions)      27
1.5    Questions and Exercises: Getting Started      30

Chapter 2: Object-Oriented Programming Concepts      33

2.1    What Is an Object?      33
2.2    What Is a Class?      35
2.3    What Is Inheritance?      37
2.4    What Is an Interface?      38
2.5    What Is a Package?      39
2.6    Questions and Exercises: Object-Oriented Programming Concepts      40

Chapter 3: Language Basics      43

3.1    Variables      43
3.2    Operators      55
3.3    Expressions, Statements, and Blocks      66
3.4    Control Flow Statements      69

Chapter 4: Classes and Objects      85

4.1    Classes      85
4.2    Objects      97
4.3    More on Classes      106
4.4    Nested Classes      122
4.5    Enum Types      128
4.6    Annotations      132

Chapter 5: Interfaces and Inheritance      139

5.1     Interfaces      139
5.2     Inheritance      147

Chapter 6: Generics      167

6.1    Introduction      167
6.2    Generic Types      169
6.3    Generic Methods and Constructors      172
6.4    Bounded Type Parameters      173
6.5    Subtyping      175
6.6    Wildcards      177
6.7    Type Erasure      178
6.8    Summary of Generics      179
6.9    Questions and Exercises: Generics      180

Chapter 7: Packages      183

7.1    Creating and Using Packages      183

Chapter 8: Numbers and Strings      195

8.1    Numbers      195
8.2    Characters      210
8.3    Strings      212

Chapter 9: Exceptions      233

9.1    What Is an Exception?      233
9.2    The Catch or Specify Requirement      235
9.3    Catching and Handling Exceptions      236
9.4    Specifying the Exceptions Thrown by a Method      245
9.5    How to Throw Exceptions      246
9.6    Unchecked Exceptions—The Controversy      252
9.7    Advantages of Exceptions      253
9.8    Summary      258
9.9    Questions and Exercises: Exceptions      259

Chapter 10: Basic I/O      261

10.1   I/O Streams      261
10.2   File I/O      286
10.3   The New I/O Packages      291
10.4   Summary      292
10.5   Questions and Exercises: Basic I/O      292

Chapter 11: Collections      293

11.1   Introduction to Collections      293
11.2   Interfaces      295
11.3   Implementations      342
11.4   Algorithms      355
11.5   Custom Collection Implementations      360
11.6   Interoperability      364

Chapter 12: Concurrency      369

12.1   Processes and Threads      369
12.2   Thread Objects      371
12.3   Synchronization      377
12.4   Liveness      384
12.5   Guarded Blocks      386
12.6   Immutable Objects      391
12.7   High-Level Concurrency Objects      395
12.8   For Further Reading      402
12.9   Questions and Exercises: Concurrency      403

Chapter 13: Regular Expressions      405

13.1     Introduction      405
13.2     Test Harness      406
13.3     String Literals      407
13.4     Character Classes      409
13.5     Predefined Character Classes      414
13.6     Quantifiers      416
13.7     Capturing Groups      422
13.8     Boundary Matchers      424
13.9     Methods of the Pattern Class      425
13.10   Methods of the Matcher Class      431
13.11   Methods of the PatternSyntaxException Class      437
13.12   Summary      439
13.13   Additional Resources      440
13.14   Questions and Exercises: Regular Expressions      440

Chapter 14: The Platform Environment      443

14.1   Configuration Utilities      443
14.2   System Utilities      452
14.3   PATH and CLASSPATH      457
14.4   Questions and Exercises: The Platform Environment      460

Chapter 15: Swing      463

15.1   A Brief Introduction to the Swing Package      463
15.2   Swing Features      470
15.3   Questions: Graphical User Interfaces      485

Chapter 16: Packaging Programs in JAR Files      487

16.1   Using JAR Files: The Basics      488
16.2   Working with Manifest Files: The Basics      500
16.3   Signing and Verifying JAR Files      507
16.4   Using JAR-Related APIs      514
16.5   Questions: JAR Files      520

Chapter 17: Java Web Start      521

17.1   Running Java Web Start Applications      522
17.2   Deploying Java Web Start Applications      524
17.3   Developing Java Web Start Applications      534
17.4   The JNLP API      536
17.5   Java Web Start and Security      538
17.6   Common Java Web Start Problems      539
17.7   Questions and Exercises: Java Web Start      540

Chapter 18: Applets      543

18.1   Getting Started with Applets      545
18.2   Taking Advantage of the Applet API      559
18.3   Practical Considerations When Writing Applets      578
18.4   Finishing an Applet      593
18.5   Deploying Applets      594
18.6   Solving Common Applet Problems      600
18.7   Questions and Exercises: Java Applets      602

Appendix A: Java Language Keywords      603

Appendix B: Preparation for Java Programming Language Certification      605

B.1   Section 1: Declarations, Initialization and Scoping      606
B.2   Section 2: Flow Control      608
B.3   Section 3: API Contents      609
B.4   Section 4: Concurrency      611
B.5   Section 5: OO Concepts      612
B.6   Section 6: Collections / Generics      613
B.7   Section 7: Fundamentals      614

Index      617



《Java™ 教程》第四版是一本實用的 Java 程式語言指南,非常適合任何希望掌握 Java SE 的開發者。這本受歡迎的教程「來自源頭」已經完全修訂和更新,以涵蓋 Java 平台標準版的第 6 版。

本書由 Sun Microsystems 的 Java 軟體團隊成員撰寫,採用經過驗證的互動式方法,並包含實際問題,幫助您通過範例學習 Java 平台。

本版新增了有關泛型、集合、Java Web Start、平台環境和正則表達式的章節。關鍵部分,包括執行緒、I/O、物件導向程式設計概念和語言基礎章節,已完全重寫,以反映讀者的反饋並涵蓋新增的 Java SE 6 平台功能。新增的附錄包含有關如何準備 Java 程式語言認證考試的信息。

與之前的版本一樣,您將找到對物件、類別和資料結構基本概念的清晰解釋,以及對例外、I/O 和執行緒的詳細說明。所有使這本書成為經典的受歡迎特性都得以保留,包括每個章節末尾的方便摘要和問題與練習部分,幫助您練習所學的內容。

隨書附贈的 CD-ROM 裝載了寶貴的資源,包括最新的 Java SE 軟體(JRE、JDK、Java API 規範和指南文檔)、本書的程式碼範例以及問題和練習的解答。

Java™ 系列由 Sun Microsystems, Inc. 的 Java 技術創建者支持、認可和撰寫。這是獲取有關 Java 技術的完整、專業和權威信息的官方來源。本系列的書籍提供了構建有效、穩健和可攜帶的應用程式和小應用程式所需的內部信息。該系列是針對 Java™ 平台的任何人的不可或缺的資源。


前言 xix
序言 xxi
第一章:入門 1
1.1 Java 技術現象 1
1.2 「Hello World!」應用程式 6
1.3 更深入了解「Hello World!」應用程式 24
1.4 常見問題(及其解決方案) 27
1.5 問題與練習:入門 30

第二章:物件導向程式設計概念 33
2.1 什麼是物件? 33
2.2 什麼是類別? 35
2.3 什麼是繼承? 37
2.4 什麼是介面? 38
2.5 什麼是包? 39
2.6 問題與練習:物件導向程式設計概念 40

第三章:語言基礎 43
3.1 變數 43
3.2 運算子 55
3.3 表達式、語句和區塊 66
3.4 控制流語句 69

第四章:類別和物件 85
4.1 類別 85
4.2 物件 97
4.3 類別的更多內容 106
4.4 嵌套類別 122
4.5 列舉類型 128
4.6 註解 132

第五章:介面和繼承 139
5.1 介面 139
5.2 繼承 147

第六章:泛型 167
6.1 介紹 167
6.2 泛型類型 169
6.3 泛型方法和建構子 172
6.4 有界類型參數 173
6.5 子類型 175
6.6 通配符 177
6.7 類型擦除 178
6.8 泛型摘要 179
6.9 問題與練習:泛型 180

第七章:包 183
7.1 創建和使用包 183

第八章:數字和字串 195
8.1 數字 195
8.2 字元 210
8.3 字串 212

第九章:例外 233
9.1 什麼是例外? 233
9.2 捕獲或指定要求 235
9.3 捕獲和處理例外 236
9.4 指定方法拋出的例外 245
9.5 如何拋出例外 246
9.6 未檢查的例外—爭議 252
9.7 例外的優點 253
9.8 摘要 258
9.9 問題與練習:例外 259

第十章:基本 I/O 261
10.1 I/O 流 261
10.2 檔案 I/O 286
10.3 新的 I/O 套件 291
10.4 摘要 292
10.5 問題與練習:基本 I/O 292

第十一章:集合 293
11.1 集合介紹 293
11.2 介面 295
11.3 實作 342
11.4 演算法 355
11.5 自訂集合實作 360
11.6 互操作性 364

第十二章:並發 369
12.1 程序和執行緒 369
12.2 Thread 物件 371
12.3 同步 377
12.4 活性 384
12.5 受保護的區塊 386
12.6 不可變物件 391
12.7 高階並發物件 395
12.8 進一步閱讀 402
12.9 問題與練習:並發 403

第十三章:正則表達式 405
13.1 介紹 405
13.2 測試工具 406
13.3 字串字面量 407
13.4 字元類別 409
13.5 預定義字元類別 414
13.6 量詞 416