Essential Windows Workflow Foundation
暫譯: Windows 工作流程基礎精要

Dharma Shukla, Bob Schmidt

  • 出版商: Addison Wesley
  • 出版日期: 2006-10-13
  • 售價: $2,040
  • 貴賓價: 9.5$1,938
  • 語言: 英文
  • 頁數: 480
  • 裝訂: Paperback
  • ISBN: 0321399838
  • ISBN-13: 9780321399830
  • 已絕版




Something big is about to happen….”
–From the Foreword by Don Box, Architect, Microsoft Corporation


 “If I were writing a Workflow book, this is what I would have written. The material is very well presented with code examples and explanations. Also, I love how the authors discuss the underlying architecture, enabling me to get a really deep understanding of the technology to efficiently design and build my own projects.”

–Jeffrey Richter (


“Explicit support for workflows in a lightweight framework is a major contribution. Many tough problems traditionally faced by application authors, such as state management in the presence of long-running activities (think weeks or months!), can be addressed systematically by adopting

a workflow approach. Dharma Shukla and Bob Schmidt present the workflow technology under and made accessible by the new workflow foundation in the .NET 3.0 framework, and they do so in an approachable and yet authoritative way that is truly enjoyable.”

–Clemens Szyperski, software architect, Microsoft Corporation


 “The Windows Workflow technology combines declarative programming and state machines in a very rich and powerful way, one that is bound to have a profound influence on the way we program in the coming years. In the style of the classic Essential COM by Don Box, Dharma and Bob have done a great job making this technology accessible to any developer already versed in C#, VB, and the .NET Framework, and who wants to achieve declarative enlightenment. Don’t miss out.”

–Joe Duffy, program manager, Common Language Runtime (CLR) team, Microsoft Corporation


 “I think WF should and will be used as the main application model for web service applications. Developers working on web services will want to learn about this technology from this book; it comes straight from the source and explains the technology well and in depth.”

–Krzysztof Cwalina, program manager, Microsoft Corporation


 “This book provides an enlightening exploration of Windows Workflow Foundation for both the novice and the veteran alike.”

–Nate Talbert, software design engineer, Microsoft Corporation


Windows Workflow Foundation (WF) is a groundbreaking approach to writing and executing programs. WF programs are assembled out of resumable program statements called activities, which provide encapsulation of both domainspecific logic and control flow patterns reflective of real-world processes.


In Essential Windows Workflow Foundation, two WF lead architects–Dharma Shukla and Bob Schmidt–offer an under-the-hood look at the technology, explaining the why and not just the how of WF’s key concepts and architecture. Serious WF developers seeking details about how to effectively utilize and extend the framework by writing activities will find cogent explanations and answers here. With simple and illustrative examples, the authors demonstrate exactly how to leverage WF’s extensible programming model to craft domain-specific programs. Drawing on their unique vantage point in designing and developing WF, Shukla and Schmidt deliver authoritative coverage of

  • The core concepts and ideas that form the heart of WF’s programming model
  • The execution model for activities, with details of the activity automaton, bookmarking, scheduling, and the threading model of the WF runtime
  • Advanced execution concepts, including activity execution contexts, transactions, persistence points, passivation, fault handling, cancellation, compensation, and synchronization
  • Hosting the WF runtime in applications
  • The activity component model, with details of validation, compilation, serialization, and visualization
  • Databinding, XAML, dependency properties, and WF program metadata
  • Declarative conditions and rules, activity designers, and designer hosting
  • Custom control flow patterns ranging from simple sequencing and iteration to more complex graphs and state machines
  • Dynamic editing of running WF program instances

Essential Windows Workflow Foundation is the definitive resource for developers seeking an in-depth understanding of this novel technology.




Table of Contents

About the Authors xiii

Foreword xv

Preface xvii

Acknowledgments xxi

1 Deconstructing WF 1

2 WF Programs 33

3 Activity Execution 53

4 Advanced Activity Execution 111

5 Applications 179

6 Transactions 241

7 Advanced Authoring 259

8 Miscellanea 325

Appendix A Activity Automaton 395

Appendix B Control Flow Patterns 397

Index 435



–摘自微軟公司架構師 Don Box 的前言

–Jeffrey Richter (

*「在輕量級框架中對工作流程的明確支持是一項重大貢獻。許多應用程式作者傳統上面臨的棘手問題,例如在長時間運行的活動中進行狀態管理(想想幾週或幾個月!),可以通過採用工作流程方法系統性地解決。Dharma Shukla 和 Bob Schmidt 介紹了在 .NET 3.0 框架中由新工作流程基礎提供的工作流程技術,並以一種親切而權威的方式進行解釋,這真是令人愉快。」*
–Clemens Szyperski,微軟公司軟體架構師

*「Windows 工作流程技術以非常豐富和強大的方式結合了聲明式編程和狀態機,這將對我們未來幾年的編程方式產生深遠的影響。以 Don Box 的經典著作《Essential COM》為風格,Dharma 和 Bob 成功地使這項技術對任何已熟悉 C#、VB 和 .NET 框架的開發者變得可及,並希望實現聲明式的啟蒙。不要錯過。」*
–Joe Duffy,微軟公司通用語言執行時 (CLR) 團隊的程式經理

*「我認為 WF 應該並且將成為網路服務應用程式的主要應用模型。從事網路服務的開發者將希望從這本書中了解這項技術;它直接來自源頭,並且對技術進行了良好且深入的解釋。」*
–Krzysztof Cwalina,微軟公司程式經理

*「這本書為新手和老手提供了對 Windows 工作流程基礎的啟發性探索。」*
–Nate Talbert,微軟公司軟體設計工程師

Windows 工作流程基礎 (WF) 是一種開創性的編寫和執行程式的方法。WF 程式由可恢復的程式語句組成,稱為活動,這些活動封裝了特定領域的邏輯和反映現實世界過程的控制流模式。

在《Essential Windows Workflow Foundation》中,兩位 WF 首席架構師 Dharma Shukla 和 Bob Schmidt 提供了對這項技術的深入了解,解釋了 WF 的關鍵概念和架構的原因,而不僅僅是如何實現。尋求有效利用和擴展框架的詳細資訊的 WF 開發者,將在此找到清晰的解釋和答案。通過簡單且具說明性的範例,作者展示了如何利用 WF 的可擴展編程模型來構建特定領域的程式。Shukla 和 Schmidt 以他們在設計和開發 WF 中的獨特視角,提供了權威的覆蓋範圍。

- WF 編程模型的核心概念和思想
- 活動的執行模型,包括活動自動機、書籤、排程和 WF 執行時的執行緒模型
- 進階執行概念,包括活動執行上下文、交易、持久性點、被動化、錯誤處理、取消、補償和同步
- 在應用程式中託管 WF 執行時
- 活動組件模型,包括驗證、編譯、序列化和可視化的詳細資訊
- 資料綁定、XAML、依賴屬性和 WF 程式元資料
- 聲明式條件和規則、活動設計器和設計器託管
- 從簡單的序列和迭代到更複雜的圖形和狀態機的自定義控制流模式
- 動態編輯正在運行的 WF 程式實例

《Essential Windows Workflow Foundation》是尋求深入了解這項新技術的開發者的權威資源。


關於作者 xiii
前言 xv
序言 xvii
致謝 xxi
1 解構 WF 1
2 WF 程式 33
3 活動執行 53
4 進階活動執行 111
5 應用程式 179
6 交易 241
7 進階創作 259
8 雜項 325
附錄 A 活動自動機 395
附錄 B 控制流模式 397
索引 435