IoT: Security and Privacy Paradigm
暫譯: 物聯網:安全與隱私範式
Pal, Souvik, Díaz, Vicente García, Le, Dac-Nhuong
IOT: Security and Privacy Paradigm covers the evolution of security and privacy issues in the Internet of Things (IoT). It focuses on bringing all security and privacy related technologies into one source, so that students, researchers, and practitioners can refer to this book for easy understanding of IoT security and privacy issues.
This edited book uses Security Engineering and Privacy-by-Design principles to design a secure IoT ecosystem and to implement cyber-security solutions. This book takes the readers on a journey that begins with understanding the security issues in IoT-enabled technologies and how it can be applied in various aspects. It walks readers through engaging with security challenges and builds a safe infrastructure for IoT devices. The book helps readers gain an understand of security architecture through IoT and describes the state of the art of IoT countermeasures. It also differentiates security threats in IoT-enabled infrastructure from traditional ad hoc or infrastructural networks, and provides a comprehensive discussion on the security challenges and solutions in RFID, WSNs, in IoT.
This book aims to provide the concepts of related technologies and novel findings of the researchers through its chapter organization. The primary audience includes specialists, researchers, graduate students, designers, experts and engineers who are focused on research and security related issues.
Souvik Pal, PhD, has worked as Assistant Professor in Nalanda Institute of Technology, Bhubaneswar, and JIS College of Engineering, Kolkata (NAAC "A" Accredited College). He is the organizing Chair and Plenary Speaker of RICE Conference in Vietnam; and organizing co-convener of ICICIT, Tunisia. He has served in many conferences as chair, keynote speaker, and he also chaired international conference sessions and presented session talks internationally. His research area includes Cloud Computing, Big Data, Wireless Sensor Network (WSN), Internet of Things, and Data Analytics.
Vicente García-Díaz, PhD, is an Associate Professor in the Department of Computer Science at the University of Oviedo (Languages and Computer Systems area). He is also the editor of several special issues in prestigious journals such as Scientific Programming and International Journal of Interactive Multimedia and Artificial Intelligence. His research interests include eLearning, machine learning and the use of domain specific languages in different areas.
Dac-Nhuong Le, PhD, is Deputy-Head of Faculty of Information Technology, and Vice-Director of Information Technology Apply and Foreign Language Training Center, Haiphong University, Vietnam. His area of research includes: evaluation computing and approximate algorithms, network communication, security and vulnerability, network performance analysis and simulation, cloud computing, IoT and image processing in biomedical. Presently, he is serving on the editorial board of several international journals and has authored nine computer science books published by Springer, Wiley, CRC Press, Lambert Publication, and Scholar Press.
Souvik Pal博士曾擔任布巴內斯瓦爾的Nalanda Institute of Technology和加爾各答的JIS College of Engineering(NAAC 'A' 認證學院)的助理教授。他是越南RICE會議的組織主席和全體會議演講者;同時也是突尼西亞ICICIT的組織共同召集人。他在許多會議中擔任主席、主題演講者,並在國際會議上主持會議並發表演講。他的研究領域包括雲計算、大數據、無線傳感器網絡(WSN)、物聯網和數據分析。
Vicente García-Díaz博士是奧維多大學計算機科學系的副教授(語言與計算機系統領域)。他還是《Scientific Programming》和《International Journal of Interactive Multimedia and Artificial Intelligence》等多本知名期刊的特刊編輯。他的研究興趣包括電子學習、機器學習以及在不同領域中使用特定領域語言。
Dac-Nhuong Le博士是越南海防大學信息技術學院的副院長及信息技術應用與外語培訓中心的副主任。他的研究領域包括:計算評估和近似算法、網絡通信、安全與漏洞、網絡性能分析與模擬、雲計算、物聯網及生物醫學中的圖像處理。目前,他在多本國際期刊的編輯委員會任職,並著有九本由Springer、Wiley、CRC Press、Lambert Publication和Scholar Press出版的計算機科學書籍。
Souvik Pal, PhD, MCSI; MCSTA/ACM, USA; MIAENG, Hong Kong; MIRED, USA; MACEEE, New Delhi; MIACSIT, Singapore; MAASCIT, USA is Associate Professor at the Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Brainware University, Kolkata, India. Dr. Pal earned his B. Tech degree in Computer Science and Engineering from West Bengal University of Technology, Kolkata. He has earned his M. Tech and PhD degree in Computer Engineering from KIIT University, Bhubaneswar, India. He has worked as Assistant Professor in Nalanda Institute of Technology, Bhubaneswar, and JIS College of Engineering, Kolkata (NAAC A Accredited College). He has also worked as head of the Computer Science Department in Elitte College of Engineering, Kolkata.
Dr. Pal has published several research papers in Scopus-indexed International journals and conferences. He is editor of eight Elsevier/Springer/CRC Press/Apple Academic Press Books and author of one Cloud Computing book. He is the organizing Chair and Plenary Speaker of RICE Conference in Vietnam; and organizing co-convener of ICICIT, Tunisia. He has been invited as a Keynote Speaker in ICICCT, Turkey. He has served in many conferences as chair, keynote speaker, and he also chaired international conference sessions and presented session talks internationally. Dr. Pal also serves as a reviewer and editorial board member for many journals and IEEE/Springer/ACM conferences. His research area includes Cloud Computing, Big Data, Wireless Sensor Network (WSN), Internet of Things, and Data Analytics.
Vicente García-Díaz, PhD, is an Associate Professor in the Department of Computer Science at the University of Oviedo (Languages and Computer Systems area). He earned a PhD in Computer Science from the University of Oviedo and a Diploma in Advanced Studies, as well as degrees in Computer Engineering and Technical Systems Computer Engineering. In addition, he earned a degree in Occupational Risk Prevention. He has supervised 90+ academic projects, including 4 doctoral theses, and published 80+ research papers in journals (several in journals included in the JCR index), conferences and books from prestigious publishers.
Dr. Díaz is also a member of the editorial and advisory boards of several journals, and the main editor of several special issues in prestigious journals such as Scientific Programming and International Journal of Interactive Multimedia and Artificial Intelligence. He also served as an editor in research books such as Handbook of IoT and Big Data (CRC Press), Protocols and Applications for the Industrial Internet of Things (IGI-Global), Handbook of Research on Innovations in Systems and Software Engineering (IGI-Global), Progressions and Innovations in Model-Driven Software Engineering (IGI-Global) and Advances and Applications in Model-Driven Engineering (IGI-Global). His research interests include eLearning, machine learning and the use of domain specific languages in different areas. Finally, he carried out long research stays at the University of Manchester (3 months), at the Francisco José de Caldas District University of Bogotá (2 months), at the University of Lisbon (2 months) and the Autonomous University of Santo Domingo (1 month).
Dac-Nhuong Le, PhD, is Deputy-Head of Faculty of Information Technology, and Vice-Director of Information Technology Apply and Foreign Language Training Center, Haiphong University, Vietnam. He earned a MSc, 2009, and PhD, 2015, in Computer Science from Vietnam National University. He has a total academic teaching experience of 13 years with many publications in reputed international conferences, journals and online book chapter contributions (Indexed By: SCI, SCIE, SSCI, Scopus, ACM, DBLP). His area of research includes: evaluation computing and approximate algorithms, network communication, security and vulnerability, network performance analysis and simulation, cloud computing, IoT and image processing in biomedical. His core work is in network security, soft computing and IoT and image processing in biomedical applications. Recently, he has served on the technique program committee, the technique reviews, the track chair for international conferences: FICTA 2014, CSI 2014, IC4SD 2015, ICICT 2015, INDIA 2015, IC3T 2015, INDIA 2016, FICTA 2016, ICDECT 2016, IUKM 2016, INDIA 2017, CISC 2017, FICTA 2017, FICTA 2018 under Springer-ASIC/LNAI Series. Presently, he is serving on the editorial board of international journals and he authored nine computer science books by Springer, Wiley, CRC Press, Lambert Publication, and Scholar Press.
Souvik Pal 博士,MCSI;MCSTA/ACM,美國;MIAENG,香港;MIRED,美國;MACEEE,新德里;MIACSIT,新加坡;MAASCIT,美國,現任印度加爾各答 Brainware 大學計算機科學與工程系副教授。Pal 博士於西孟加拉技術大學獲得計算機科學與工程的工學士學位,並在 KIIT 大學(印度布巴內斯瓦爾)獲得計算機工程的碩士及博士學位。他曾在布巴內斯瓦爾的 Nalanda 技術學院及加爾各答的 JIS 工程學院(NAAC A 認證學院)擔任助理教授,並曾擔任加爾各答 Elitte 工程學院計算機科學系主任。
Pal 博士在 Scopus 索引的國際期刊和會議上發表了多篇研究論文。他是八本 Elsevier/Springer/CRC Press/Apple Academic Press 書籍的編輯,並著有一本雲計算書籍。他是越南 RICE 會議的組織主席和全體會議演講者,並擔任突尼西亞 ICICIT 會議的共同召集人。他曾受邀在土耳其的 ICICCT 會議上擔任主題演講者。他在許多會議中擔任主席、主題演講者,並在國際會議上主持會議並發表演講。Pal 博士還擔任多本期刊及 IEEE/Springer/ACM 會議的審稿人和編輯委員會成員。他的研究領域包括雲計算、大數據、無線感測網路 (WSN)、物聯網及數據分析。
Vicente García-Díaz 博士是西班牙奧維多大學計算機科學系的副教授(語言與計算機系統領域)。他在奧維多大學獲得計算機科學博士學位,並獲得高級研究文憑,以及計算機工程和技術系統計算機工程的學位。此外,他還獲得職業風險預防的學位。他已指導超過 90 個學術項目,包括 4 篇博士論文,並在期刊(多篇發表於 JCR 索引的期刊)、會議和知名出版社的書籍中發表了超過 80 篇研究論文。
Díaz 博士還是多本期刊的編輯和顧問委員會成員,並擔任多個知名期刊的特刊主編,如《Scientific Programming》和《International Journal of Interactive Multimedia and Artificial Intelligence》。他還擔任過多本研究書籍的編輯,如《Handbook of IoT and Big Data》(CRC Press)、《Protocols and Applications for the Industrial Internet of Things》(IGI-Global)、《Handbook of Research on Innovations in Systems and Software Engineering》(IGI-Global)、《Progressions and Innovations in Model-Driven Software Engineering》(IGI-Global)和《Advances and Applications in Model-Driven Engineering》(IGI-Global)。他的研究興趣包括電子學習、機器學習及在不同領域中使用特定領域語言。最後,他在曼徹斯特大學(3 個月)、哥倫比亞波哥大的 Francisco José de Caldas 區域大學(2 個月)、里斯本大學(2 個月)和聖多明各自治大學(1 個月)進行了長期的研究停留。
Dac-Nhuong Le 博士是越南海防大學資訊科技系的副系主任,並擔任資訊科技應用與外語培訓中心的副主任。他於越南國立大學獲得計算機科學碩士學位(2009 年)和博士學位(2015 年)。他擁有 13 年的學術教學經驗,並在多個知名國際會議、期刊及在線書籍章節貢獻中發表了多篇論文(索引:SCI、SCIE、SSCI、Scopus、ACM、DBLP)。他的研究領域包括:計算評估與近似演算法、網路通信、安全性與脆弱性、網路性能分析與模擬、雲計算、物聯網及生物醫學中的影像處理。他的核心工作集中在網路安全、軟計算及生物醫學應用中的物聯網與影像處理。最近,他在多個國際會議中擔任技術程序委員會成員、技術審查員及會議主席,包括 FICTA 2014、CSI 2014、IC4SD 2015、ICI 2015、INDIA 2015、IC3T 2015、INDIA 2016、FICTA 2016、ICDECT 2016、IUKM 2016、INDIA 2017、CISC 2017、FICTA 2017 和 FICTA 2018,均在 Springer-ASIC/LNAI 系列下進行。目前,他擔任多本國際期刊的編輯委員會成員,並由 Springer、Wiley、CRC Press、Lambert 出版社和 Scholar Press 出版了九本計算機科學書籍。