Principles of Biostatistics, 3/e (Hardcover)
暫譯: 生物統計學原理 (第三版)

Pagano, Marcello, Gauvreau, Kimberlee, Mattie, Heather




Principles of Biostatistics, Third Edition is a concepts-based introduction to statistical procedures that prepares public health, medical, and life sciences students to conduct and evaluate research. With an engaging writing style and helpful graphics, the emphasis is on concepts over formulas or rote memorization. Throughout the book, the authors use practical, interesting examples with real data to bring the material to life. Thoroughly revised and updated, this third edition includes a new chapter introducing the basic principles of Study Design, as well as new sections on sample size calculations for two-sample tests on means and proportions, the Kruskal-Wallis test, and the Cox proportional hazards model.

Key Features:

  • Includes a new chapter on the basic principles of study design.
  • Additional review exercises have been added to each chapter.
  • Datasets and Stata and R code are available on the book's website.

The book is divided into three parts. The first five chapters deal with collections of numbers and ways in which to summarize, explore, and explain them. The next two chapters focus on probability and introduce the tools needed for the subsequent investigation of uncertainty. It is only in the eighth chapter and thereafter that the authors distinguish between populations and samples and begin to investigate the inherent variability introduced by sampling, thus progressing to inference. Postponing the slightly more difficult concepts until a solid foundation has been established makes it easier for the reader to comprehend them.


《生物統計學原理(第三版)》是一本以概念為基礎的統計程序入門書,旨在幫助公共衛生、醫學和生命科學的學生進行和評估研究。書中以引人入勝的寫作風格和有用的圖形為特色,重點放在概念上,而非公式或死記硬背。全書中,作者使用實用且有趣的實例,搭配真實數據,使內容生動活潑。這一版經過全面修訂和更新,新增了一章介紹研究設計的基本原則,並增加了有關兩樣本均值和比例檢定的樣本大小計算、Kruskal-Wallis 檢定以及 Cox 比例風險模型的新章節。


- 包含一章有關研究設計基本原則的新章節。
- 每章新增了額外的複習練習。
- 書籍網站上提供數據集以及 Stata 和 R 代碼。



Marcello Pagano is Professor of Statistical Computing in the Department of Biostatistics at the Harvard School of Public Health. His research in biostatistics is on computer intensive inference and surveillance methods that involve screening methodologies, with their associated laboratory tests, and in obtaining more accurate testing results that use existing technologies.

Kimberlee Gauvreau is Associate Professor in the Department of Biostatistics and Associate Professor of Pediatrics at Harvard Medical School. Dr. Gauvreau's research focuses on biostatistical issues arising in the field of pediatric cardiology. She also works on the development and validation of methods of adjustment for case mix complexity.

Heather Mattie is Lecturer on Biostatistics and the Co-Director Health Data Science Program at the Harvard School of Public Health.


Marcello Pagano 是哈佛公共衛生學院生物統計系的統計計算教授。他在生物統計學的研究專注於計算密集型推斷和監測方法,這些方法涉及篩檢方法及其相關的實驗室測試,並致力於利用現有技術獲得更準確的測試結果。

Kimberlee Gauvreau 是哈佛醫學院生物統計系的副教授及小兒科的副教授。Gauvreau 博士的研究重點是小兒心臟病領域中出現的生物統計問題。她還致力於針對病例組合複雜性進行調整方法的開發和驗證。

Heather Mattie 是生物統計學講師及哈佛公共衛生學院健康數據科學計畫的共同主任。