Physiology and Nutrition for Amateur Wrestling
暫譯: 業餘摔跤的生理學與營養學
Lambert, Charles Paul
- 出版商: CRC
- 出版日期: 2020-09-25
- 售價: $2,630
- 貴賓價: 9.5 折 $2,499
- 語言: 英文
- 頁數: 164
- 裝訂: Quality Paper - also called trade paper
- ISBN: 0367370948
- ISBN-13: 9780367370947
Physiology and Nutrition for Amateur Wrestling is essential reading for amateur wrestlers and their coaches with a desire to learn about physiological training and nutrition for their sport.
Written by Charles Paul Lambert, PhD, a competitive wrestler and academic expert in high-intensity exercise, this book describes the primary physiological systems involved in amateur wrestling. Readers will learn how to substantially optimize performance and discover ways to improve body composition specific to the sport of amateur wrestling.
The book addresses important issues, including relative energy deficiency in sport, debates around weight loss, the specificities of training and nutrition for female wrestlers, as well as strategies on keeping fit in the years after a competitive career.
- Discusses strategies for monitoring overall training load to prevent overtraining and optimize training
- Includes optimal nutritional fueling plans for wrestlers written by a Certified Coach with USA Wrestling and compares different dietary approaches to losing weight and fat
- Provides optimal rehydration and refueling plans based on situational needs in the post-weigh-in period
Both scientific and practical, Physiology and Nutrition for Amateur Wrestling will appeal to wrestlers, high-school and college coaches, and those working in applied physiology research and exercise science.
本書由查爾斯·保羅·蘭伯特(Charles Paul Lambert)博士撰寫,他是一位競技摔跤選手及高強度運動的學術專家。本書描述了業餘摔跤中涉及的主要生理系統。讀者將學習如何顯著優化表現,並發現改善身體組成的方式,這些方式特別針對業餘摔跤運動。
- 討論監控整體訓練負荷的策略,以防止過度訓練並優化訓練
- 包含由美國摔跤認證教練撰寫的摔跤選手最佳營養補給計劃,並比較不同的減重和減脂飲食方法
- 提供基於賽前稱重後情況需求的最佳再水合和補給計劃
Charles Paul Lambert, Ph.D. was born in Toledo, Ohio May 26, 1965. He was brought up in a suburb of Toledo, Sylvania, Ohio where he wrestled, played football, and some baseball in junior high school and high school at Sylvania Southview. Noteworthy of wrestling career was that he achieved 50 takedowns his Senior year and was awarded the Takedown Trophy. Also, in 1981 under the auspices of the AAU he was Second in the State Greco-Roman Tournament where he lost in the finals to Joe Ghezzi 0-6, being underarm spun with a go behind 6 times. Dr. Lambert was 19-6 his Senior year for Sylvania Southview High School, a three year varsity letter winner, and Co-Captain his Senior year. With regard to football, he started at Varsity offensive guard (145 lbs) as a Sophomore, Junior, and Senior and started at inside linebacker his Senior year and was the runner-up or leading tackler his Senior season. He was also Co-Captain of the Football team his Senior year.
Upon graduation from Sylvania Southview High-School in 1983, Dr. Lambert entered the University of Toledo and graduated with a 3.55 GPA in Human Performance (now Exercise Science) in 1988. This GPA and research experience and publications with Michael G. Flynn, PhD helped him get a "free ride" to Graduate School at the Human Performance Lab at Ball State University. Dr. Lambert excelled in this fertile academic setting and it was the most rewarding two years of his life achieving a 3.93 GPA (including a year of Biochemistry in the Chemistry Dept.) and learning a great deal about applied physiology research including rehydration after dehydration under Dr. David L. Costill. After graduation in 1990, Dr. Lambert worked in Dr. Ron Maughan's lab at the University of Aberdeen Medical School, Aberdeen, Scotland for one year. This also was a great experience for Dr. Lambert studying mechanisms of fluid replacement and metabolism during high-intensity exercise. Dr. Lambert then worked with John O. Holloszy, M.D. for one year at the Washington University Medical School.
Dr. Lambert completed his PhD at the University of Toledo in 1997 again under the auspices of Dr. Michael G. Flynn. His area of research for his dissertation was Exercise and Immunology. His doctoral GPA was 3.88.
After teaching for a year at Eastern Michigan University Dr. Lambert became a Post-Doctoral fellow in the Nutrition, Metabolism, and Exercise lab of William J. Evans, Ph.D. within the Dept. of Geriatrics at the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences. Dr. Lambert spent eight years primarily performing research at UAMS publishing some 21 papers in those eight years and procuring two National Institutes of Health grants dealing with muscle hypertrophy in the elderly. He was an Assistant Professor when he left UAMS. After UAMS, Dr. Lambert went to Washington University School of Medicine for 2 years bringing 90% of his salary with him in grant money. He was a Research Assistant Professor in the Dept. of Geriatrics and Nutritional Science within Internal Medicine. There Dr. Lambert completed his NIH/National Institute on Aging R21 grant titled: "Effects of Albuterol on Muscle Protein Synthesis".
Dr. Lambert left Washington University and went to the Univ. of Louisville, taught, performed research, and mentored students. After two years Dr. Lambert left U of L to be with his aging father. After a number of years away from academia Dr. Lambert taught for Stautzenberger College for two years. Currently, Dr. Lambert is writing and applying for Tenure Track positions in Exercise Physiology/Science.
Dr. Lambert has published 65 peer reviewed papers and been first author on at least 30 of these. He has acquired two National Institutes of Health Grants, and other various grants. He is a member of the International Network of Wrestling Researchers, a Bronze Certified Coach through USA Wrestling, and was a Mat Official for USA Wrestling for four years. In his spare time, Dr. Lambert is a Powerlifter having Bench Pressed 336.2 lbs in competition at the age of 54 and is currently ranked 9th in the USA in the USPA with a total of 1003 lbs. Recently, Dr. Lambert qualified for the USPA Nationals with a total 1102 lbs and is hoping to qualify for Worlds at this meet.
查爾斯·保羅·蘭伯特(Charles Paul Lambert),博士,於1965年5月26日出生於俄亥俄州托萊多。他在托萊多的郊區——俄亥俄州西利維尼亞(Sylvania)長大,在西利維尼亞南景高中(Sylvania Southview)參加摔角、足球和一些棒球的比賽。他的摔角生涯中值得注意的是,在高三那年他達成了50次摔倒,並獲得了摔倒獎盃。此外,在1981年,他在AAU的支持下參加州級古典摔跤錦標賽,最終獲得第二名,並在決賽中以0-6輸給了喬·蓋齊(Joe Ghezzi),被對手以背摔的方式摔倒了6次。蘭伯特博士在西利維尼亞南景高中的高三賽季戰績為19勝6負,是三年獲得校隊獎的選手,並在高三時擔任隊長。在足球方面,他在高二、高三和高四時擔任校隊的進攻護衛(145磅),並在高四時擔任內側線衛,並在高四賽季中成為第二名或主要的攔截者。他在高四時也是足球隊的隊長。
1983年從西利維尼亞南景高中畢業後,蘭伯特博士進入托萊多大學,並於1988年以3.55的GPA獲得人類表現(現為運動科學)學位。這個GPA以及與邁克爾·G·弗林(Michael G. Flynn)博士的研究經驗和出版物幫助他獲得了巴爾州立大學人類表現實驗室的研究生學校的全額獎學金。蘭伯特博士在這個豐富的學術環境中表現出色,這是他人生中最有意義的兩年,GPA達到3.93(包括在化學系的生物化學一年),並在大衛·L·科斯蒂爾(David L. Costill)博士的指導下學習了許多關於應用生理學研究的知識,包括脫水後的再水合。1990年畢業後,蘭伯特博士在蘇格蘭阿伯丁大學醫學院的羅恩·莫恩(Ron Maughan)博士的實驗室工作了一年。這對蘭伯特博士來說也是一次很好的經歷,研究高強度運動期間的液體補充和新陳代謝機制。隨後,蘭伯特博士在華盛頓大學醫學院與約翰·O·霍洛茲(John O. Holloszy)醫生合作了一年。
在東密歇根大學教學一年後,蘭伯特博士成為阿肯色醫學科學大學老年醫學系威廉·J·埃文斯(William J. Evans)博士的營養、新陳代謝與運動實驗室的博士後研究員。蘭伯特博士在UAMS工作了八年,主要進行研究,並在這八年內發表了約21篇論文,並獲得了兩項國立衛生研究院(NIH)關於老年人肌肉肥大研究的資助。他在離開UAMS時是助理教授。離開UAMS後,蘭伯特博士前往華盛頓大學醫學院工作兩年,並帶著90%的薪水以獎學金的形式隨行。他在內科的老年醫學和營養科擔任研究助理教授。在那裡,蘭伯特博士完成了他的NIH/國立老化研究所R21獎助金,題為《阿莫地平對肌肉蛋白合成的影響》。