Introduction to Privacy-Preserving Data Publishing: Concepts and Techniques
暫譯: 隱私保護數據發布導論:概念與技術

Fung, Benjamin C. M., Wang, Ke, Fu, Ada Wai


Gaining access to high-quality data is a vital necessity in knowledge-based decision making. But data in its raw form often contains sensitive information about individuals. Providing solutions to this problem, the methods and tools of privacy-preserving data publishing enable the publication of useful information while protecting data privacy. Introduction to Privacy-Preserving Data Publishing: Concepts and Techniques presents state-of-the-art information sharing and data integration methods that take into account privacy and data mining requirements.

The first part of the book discusses the fundamentals of the field. In the second part, the authors present anonymization methods for preserving information utility for specific data mining tasks. The third part examines the privacy issues, privacy models, and anonymization methods for realistic and challenging data publishing scenarios. While the first three parts focus on anonymizing relational data, the last part studies the privacy threats, privacy models, and anonymization methods for complex data, including transaction, trajectory, social network, and textual data.

This book not only explores privacy and information utility issues but also efficiency and scalability challenges. In many chapters, the authors highlight efficient and scalable methods and provide an analytical discussion to compare the strengths and weaknesses of different solutions.






Benjamin C. M. Fung is an assistant professor in the Concordia Institute for Information Systems Engineering at Concordia University in Montreal, Quebec. Dr. Fung is also a research scientist and the treasurer of the National Cyber-Forensics and Training Alliance Canada (NCFTA Canada).

Ke Wang is a professor in the School of Computing Science at Simon Fraser University in Burnaby, British Columbia.

Ada Wai-Chee Fu is an associate professor in the Department of Computer Science and Engineering at the Chinese University of Hong Kong.

Philip S. Yu is a professor in the Department of Computer Science and the Wexler Chair in Information and Technology at the University of Illinois at Chicago.


Benjamin C. M. Fung 是位於魁北克蒙特利爾的康考迪亞大學資訊系統工程研究所的助理教授。Fung 博士同時也是國家網路取證與訓練聯盟加拿大(NCFTA Canada)的研究科學家及財務主管。

Ke Wang 是位於不列顛哥倫比亞省本拿比的西門菲莎大學計算科學學院的教授。

Ada Wai-Chee Fu 是香港中文大學計算機科學與工程系的副教授。

Philip S. Yu 是伊利諾伊大學芝加哥分校計算機科學系的教授及資訊與技術的 Wexler 椅教授。