The subject of Discrete Signals and Systems is broad and deserves a single book devoted to it. The objective of this textbook is to present all the required material that an undergraduate student will need to master this subject matter and the use of MATLAB.
This book is primarily intended for electrical and computer engineering students, and especially for use by juniors or seniors in these undergraduate engineering disciplines. It can also be very useful to practicing engineers. It is detailed, broad, based on mathematical basic principles, focused, and it also contains many solved problems using analytical tools as well as MATLAB.
The book is ideal for a one-semester course in the area of discrete linear systems or digital signal processing, where the instructor can cover all chapters with ease. Numerous examples are presented within each chapter to illustrate each concept when and where it is presented. Most of the worked-out examples are first solved analytically and then solved using MATLAB in a clear and understandable fashion.
離散信號與系統的主題範圍廣泛,值得專門撰寫一本書來探討。這本教科書的目標是提供所有本科生掌握這一主題及使用 MATLAB 所需的材料。
本書主要針對電機工程和計算機工程的學生,特別是針對這些本科工程學科的三年級或四年級學生使用。對於在職工程師來說,本書也非常有用。它內容詳盡、範圍廣泛,基於數學基本原則,重點明確,並且包含許多使用分析工具以及 MATLAB 解決的問題。
本書非常適合用於離散線性系統或數位信號處理領域的一學期課程,教師可以輕鬆地涵蓋所有章節。每個章節中都提供了大量示例,以說明每個概念在何時何地被提出。大多數的例題首先以分析方式解決,然後再以清晰易懂的方式使用 MATLAB 解決。
Dr. Taan S. ElAli, PhD, is a full professor of electrical engineering. He is currently the Coordinator of the Engineering Program in the College of Aeronautics at ERAU-WW.
塔恩·S·艾拉利博士(Dr. Taan S. ElAli, PhD)是電機工程的正教授。目前,他是ERAU-WW航空學院工程課程的協調員。