Data Structure Practice: For Collegiate Programming Contests and Education

Wu, Yonghui, Wang, Jiande



Combining knowledge with strategies, Data Structure Practice for Collegiate Programming Contests and Education presents the first comprehensive book on data structure in programming contests. This book is designed for training collegiate programming contest teams in the nuances of data structure and for helping college students in computer-related majors to gain deeper understanding of data structure.


Based on successful experiences in many world-level contests, the book includes 204 typical problems and detailed analyses selected from the ACM International Collegiate Programming Contest and other major programming contests since 1990. It is divided into four sections that focus on:

  • Fundamental programming skills
  • Experiments for linear lists
  • Experiments for trees
  • Experiments for graphs



Each chapter contains a set of problems and includes hints. The book also provides test data for most problems as well as sources and IDs for online judgments that help with improving programming skills.



Introducing a multi-options model and considerations of context, Data Structure Practice for Collegiate Programming Contests and Education encourages students to think creatively in solving programming problems. By taking readers through practical contest problems from analysis to implementation, it provides a complete source for enhancing understanding and polishing skills in programming.






- 基礎程式設計技巧
- 線性表的實驗
- 樹的實驗
- 圖的實驗




Yonghui Wu was the coach of Fudan University programming contest teams from 2001 to 2011. Under his guidance, Fudan University qualified for the Association for Computing Machinery International Collegiate Programming Contest (ACM-ICPC) World Finals every year, winning three medals during that span: the bronze medal in 2002, silver medal in 2005, and bronze medal in 2010. Since 2012, he has published a series of books for programming contests and education. He is now the chair of the ICPC Asia Programming Contest 1st Training Committee.



Jian-De Wang is a famous coach for the Olympiad in Informatics in China. Under his guidance, his students have won seven gold medals, three silver medals, and two bronze medals for China in the International Olympiad in Informatics. He has published 24 books for programming contests.




吳永輝(Yonghui Wu)是復旦大學程式設計競賽隊伍的教練,任職於2001年至2011年。在他的指導下,復旦大學每年都成功晉級至計算機協會國際大學生程式設計競賽(ACM-ICPC)世界總決賽,並在此期間獲得三枚獎牌:2002年的銅牌、2005年的銀牌和2010年的銅牌。自2012年以來,他已出版了一系列的程式設計競賽和教育書籍。他現在是ICPC亞洲區程式設計競賽第一階段培訓委員會主席。

王建德(Jian-De Wang)是中國信息學奧林匹克競賽的著名教練。在他的指導下,他的學生在國際信息學奧林匹克競賽中為中國贏得了七枚金牌、三枚銀牌和兩枚銅牌。他已出版了24本程式設計競賽書籍。