Metal Ions in Biochemistry
暫譯: 生物化學中的金屬離子
Bhattacharya, Pabitra Krishna, Samnani, Prakash B.
- 出版商: CRC
- 出版日期: 2020-12-14
- 售價: $4,090
- 貴賓價: 9.5 折 $3,886
- 語言: 英文
- 頁數: 292
- 裝訂: Hardcover - also called cloth, retail trade, or trade
- ISBN: 0367622254
- ISBN-13: 9780367622251
化學 Chemistry
The second edition of Metal Ions in Biochemistry deals with a multidisciplinary subject of bio-inorganic chemistry, encompassing the disciplines of inorganic chemistry, biochemistry and medicine.
The book deals with the role of metal ions in biochemistry, emphasising that biochemistry is mainly the chemistry of metal-biochemical complexes. Hence, the book starts with the structures of biochemicals and the identification of their metal binding sites. Thermodynamic and kinetic properties of the complexes are explained from the point of view of the nature of metal-ligand bond. Various catalytic and structural roles of metal ions in biochemicals are discussed in detail.
- Role of Na+ and K+ in brain chemistry.
- Role of zinc insulin in glucose metabolism and its enhancement by vanadium and chromium compounds.
- Discussion of role of zinc signals, zinc fingers and cascade effect in biochemistry.
- Haemoglobin synthesis and role of vitamin B12 in it.
- Role of lanthanides in biochemical systems.
- Detailed discussion of the role of non-metals in biochemistry, a topic missing in most of the books on bio-inorganic chemistry.
The study of bioinorganic chemistry makes biochemists rethink the mechanistic pathways of biochemical reactions mediated by metal ions. There is realisation of the role of metal complexes and inorganic ions as therapeutics like iron in leukaemia, thalassemia and sickle cell anaemia, of iodine in hypo and hyperthyroidism and zinc, vanadium and chromium in glucose metabolism. The most recent realisation is of the use of zinc in the prevention and treatment of the pandemic COVID-19.
- Na+ 和 K+ 在腦化學中的角色。
- 鋅胰島素在葡萄糖代謝中的角色及其被釩和鉻化合物增強的作用。
- 討論鋅信號、鋅指和級聯效應在生物化學中的角色。
- 血紅蛋白的合成及維生素 B12 在其中的角色。
- 鑭系元素在生化系統中的角色。
- 詳細討論非金屬在生物化學中的角色,這是大多數生物無機化學書籍中缺乏的主題。
生物無機化學的研究使生物化學家重新思考金屬離子介導的生化反應的機制途徑。人們意識到金屬複合物和無機離子作為治療劑的角色,例如鐵在白血病、地中海貧血和鐮刀型細胞貧血中的作用,碘在甲狀腺功能低下和亢進中的作用,以及鋅、釩和鉻在葡萄糖代謝中的作用。最近的認識是鋅在預防和治療大流行 COVID-19 中的應用。
Pabitra Krishna Bhattacharya retired as Professor and Head, Department of Chemistry, M S University of Baroda, 9m 2001, after serving for thirty four years. Prior to that, he served in Kurukshetra University, University of Rajasthan (Jaipur), and Vikram University (Ujjain). Prof Bhattacharya obtained MSc and PhD degrees from University of Saugor, MP. He was awarded senior fellowship under Fulbright Hayes programme to carry out post doctoral work in Ohio state University Columbus USA during 1976 - 77. He also worked in University of Sheffield UK in 1987 under INSA Royal Society Exchange Programme. Prof Bhattacharya's teaching and research interests involved quantum chemistry, spectroscopy, coordination chemistry, bioinorganic chemistry and homogeneous catalysis. Thirty seven students obtained PhD degree under his supervision. He presented papers and delivered lectures at various Indian and foreign conferences. He was invited as a speaker at international conference in coordination chemistry, held at Gera, Germany in 1990. Prof Bhattacharya was awarded Prof P Ray memorial medal of Indian Chemical Society in 2000, Platinum Jubilee lecture award of Science Congress in 2001 and Silver medal of Chemical Research Society of India, Bangalore, 2002. He worked as a member of various committees, more notable being, IUPAC, and DST, programme advisory committee. Prof Bhattacharya is the author of three books, Group theory and its Chemical Applications, published by Himalaya Publishing House, Mumbai, Metal Ions in Biochemistry, First Edition, by Narosa Publisher, Delhi, and Threshold of Inorganic Chemistry, 1st edition, published by Himalaya Publishing House, Mumbai.
Prakash B Samnani obtained his MSc and PhD degrees from The Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda, Vadodara. After a 2 years stint as Research Officer in Analytical Division of the Advanced Research Center of Sun Pharmaceuticals, he joined the Department of Chemistry of the M S University of Baroda where he is presently working as Professor. With the industrial experience and more than 25 years of teaching and research experience in Chemistry in the University, the author has a number of research publications to his credit. He has published research papers in the area of Analytical Chemistry and Homogeneous Catalysis in journals of National and International repute. He has also authored five books titled Experiments in Chemistry, Chemical Companion, Teaching of Chemical Analysis, Quantitative Chemical Analysis, and Threshold of Inorganic Chemistry, all published by well known publishing houses in India. He has completed research projects funded by UGC, CSIR, DST. His teaching and research interests include Inorganic Chemistry, Analytical Chemistry, especially Chromatographic methods, Environmental Chemistry and Homogeneous Catalysis.
**Pabitra Krishna Bhattacharya** 於2001年9月退休,曾任巴羅達M S大學化學系教授及系主任,任職三十四年。在此之前,他曾在庫魯克舍特拉大學、拉賈斯坦大學(齊爾普爾)及維克拉姆大學(烏賈因)任教。Bhattacharya教授於印度索古爾大學獲得碩士及博士學位。他在1976至1977年間獲得富布賴特海耶斯計畫的高級獎學金,在美國俄亥俄州立大學進行博士後研究。他於1987年在英國謝菲爾德大學根據INSA皇家學會交流計畫工作。Bhattacharya教授的教學及研究興趣包括量子化學、光譜學、配位化學、生物無機化學及均相催化。他指導了三十七位學生獲得博士學位。他在各種印度及國際會議上發表論文並進行演講。他於1990年受邀在德國蓋拉舉行的國際配位化學會議上擔任演講者。Bhattacharya教授於2000年獲得印度化學學會的P Ray紀念獎章,2001年獲得科學大會的白金禧年演講獎,2002年獲得印度化學研究學會(班加羅爾)的銀獎。他曾擔任多個委員會的成員,其中較為知名的有IUPAC及DST計畫諮詢委員會。Bhattacharya教授是三本書的作者,分別為《群論及其化學應用》(由孟買Himalaya Publishing House出版)、《生物化學中的金屬離子》(第一版,由德里Narosa出版社出版)及《無機化學的門檻》(第一版,由孟買Himalaya Publishing House出版)。
**Prakash B Samnani** 於巴羅達的Maharaja Sayajirao大學獲得碩士及博士學位。在擔任Sun Pharmaceuticals先進研究中心分析部門的研究官兩年後,他加入巴羅達M S大學化學系,目前擔任教授。憑藉工業經驗及超過25年的化學教學和研究經驗,作者擁有多篇研究出版物。他在國內外知名期刊上發表了有關分析化學及均相催化的研究論文。他還撰寫了五本書,分別為《化學實驗》、《化學伴侶》、《化學分析教學》、《定量化學分析》及《無機化學的門檻》,這些書籍均由印度知名出版社出版。他已完成由UGC、CSIR及DST資助的研究項目。他的教學及研究興趣包括無機化學、分析化學(特別是色譜法)、環境化學及均相催化。